Pathfinder 2 easy Library




Domain Description Domain Spell Advanced Domain Spell Deities
Air You can control winds and the weather. Pushing gust Disperse into air Apollyon, Baalzebul, Ghlaunder, Gozreh, Hei Feng, Horus, Hshurha, Pazuzu, Ragdya, Ranginori, Rovagug, Sturovenen, Yelayne, Ylimancha
Ambition You strive to keep up with and outpace the competition. Blind ambition Competitive edge Baalzebul, Dajermube, Eiseth, Fumeiyoshi, Gyronna, Jin Li, Kurgess, Lubaiko, Mammon, Marishi, Shax, Skode, The Hunter, Szuriel, Thamir, Ydersius, Zohls, Zon-Kuthon
ChangeLOGM You can restructure the physical and metaphysical. Adapt self Adaptive ablation Aakriti, Alseta, Belial, Cyth-V’sug, Dagon, Daikitsu, Jin Li, Korada, Lymnieris, Lysianassa, Milani, Mother Vulture, Narakaas, Nocticula, Osiris, Picoperi, Saloc, The Lantern King, Uvuko, Xhamen-Dor, Ydajisk
Cities You have powers over urban environments and denizens. Face in the crowd Pulse of the city Abadar, Cayden Cailean, Chohar, Dispater, Findeladlara, Folgrit, Luhar, Matravash, Mazludeh, Thisamet, Tlehar, Zohls
ColdLOGM You control ice, snow, and freezing temperatures. Winter bolt Diamond dust Alglenweis, Hshurha, Kostchtchie, Pulura, Yamatsumi
Confidence You overcome your fear and project pride. Veil of confidence Delusional pride Arazni, Arshea, Asmodeus, Bolka, Chaldira Zuzaristan, Count Ranalc, Dispater, Eritrice, General Susumu, Gorum, Grundinnar, Iomedae, Jaidz, Kols, Marishi, Picoperi, Ragdya, Raumya, Skode, The Hunter, Sturovenen, Thamir, Trudd
Creation You have divine abilities related to crafting and art. Splash of art Artistic flourish Aakriti, Alglenweis, Apsu, Ardad Lili, Brigh, Casandalee, Daikitsu, Doloras, Falayna, Falayna, Findeladlara, Grandmother Spider, Immonhiel, Balm-Bringer, Lady Jingxi, Likha, Magrim, Mammon, Monad, Nocticula, Otolmens, Shelyn, Soralyon, Torag, Uvuko, Yelayne, Yuelral
Darkness You operate in the darkness and take away the light. Cloak of shadow Darkened eyes Ardad Lili, Ashava, Count Ranalc, Groetus, Kerkamoth, Ketephys, Lao Shu Po, Luhar, Nocticula, Pulura, Set, Tanagaar, Zon-Kuthon
Death You have the power to end lives and destroy undead. Death’s call Eradicate undeath Achaekek, Anubis, Barzahk, Charon, Dammerich, Fandarra, The Blood Mother, Hanspur, Imot, Kalekot, Magrim, Mother Vulture, Naderi, Narakaas, Norgorber, Pharasma, Saloc, Set, Shax, Yaezhing, Zyphus
DecayLOGM You have the power to spoil and deteriorate matter. Withering grasp Fallow field Apollyon, Azathoth, Cyth-V’sug, Ghlaunder, Kerkamoth, Mother Vulture, Nhimbaloth, Shyka, The Green Mother, Trelmarixian, Xhamen-Dor
DeliriumLOGM You can bring about hallucinations and restlessness. Hyperfocus Ephemeral hazards Narriseminek, Nhimbaloth, Picoperi, Shyka, Sivanah, The Lantern King, Thisamet, Tsukiyo, Zura
Destruction You are a conduit for divine devastation. Cry of destruction Destructive aura Abraxas, Angazhan, Ayrzul, Azathoth, Besmara, Dagon, Dahak, Dhalavei, Diomazul, Eiseth, Fumeiyoshi, General Susumu, Gorum, Groetus, Hshurha, Imot, Kelizandri, Kerkamoth, Kitumu, Kostchtchie, Lady Nanbyo, Milani, Moloch, Nethys, Nurgal, Ragadahn, Ragathiel, Ragathiel, Rovagug, Sekhmet, Szuriel, Treerazer, Ymeri, Zevgavizeb, Zon-Kuthon
Dreams You have the power to enter and manipulate dreams. Sweet dream Dreamer’s call Desna, Imbrex, Luhar, Xhamen-Dor
DustLOGM You have the power to dry and crumble what opposes you. Parch Dust storm Hshurha, Nurgal, Set, Trelmarixian, Ymeri
DutyLOGM You defend oaths and carry out your divine missions with great dedication. Oathkeeper’s insignia Dutiful challenge Adanye, Angradd, Arqueros, Dammerich, Dispater, Droskar, Folgrit, Kols, Magrim, Moloch, Ragathiel, Ragathiel, Shizuru, Suyuddha, Tanagaar, Trudd, Vildeis, Vildeis, Vineshvakhi, Yaezhing
Earth You control soil and stone. Hurtling stone Localized quake Abadar, Ashukharma, Ayrzul, Bes, Brigh, Diomazul, Droskar, Erastil, Fumeiyoshi, Gendowyn, Gendowyn, Imbrex, Rovagug, Sairazul, Soralyon, Torag, Trelmarixian, Trudd, Yamatsumi, Yuelral
Family You aid and protect your family and community more effectively. Soothing words Unity Adanye, Andoletta, Bergelmir, Mother Of Memories, Bes, Bolka, Chohar, Daikitsu, Erastil, Fandarra, The Blood Mother, Findeladlara, Folgrit, Gendowyn, Gendowyn, Grandmother Spider, Grundinnar, Hathor, Imbrex, Isis, Jaidi, Kazutal, Lamashtu, Mazludeh, Nivi Rhombodazzle, Rowdrosh, The Herdsman, Sairazul, Shei, Shelyn, Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones, Torag, Walkena
Fate You see and understand hidden inevitabilities. Read fate Tempt fate Aakriti, Angradd, Dranngvit, Erecura, Grandmother Spider, Imot, Irez, Lissala, Lysianassa, Magdh, Magrim, Mahathallah, Otolmens, Pharasma, Shyka, Valmallos
Fire You control flame. Fire ray Flame barrier Angradd, Asmodeus, Atreia, Chohar, Dahak, Lady Nanbyo, Lubaiko, Moloch, Nurgal, Ra, Ragathiel, Ragathiel, Sarenrae, Szuriel, Yamatsumi, Ymeri
Freedom You liberate yourself and others from shackles and constraints. Unimpeded stride Word of freedom Arazni, Arshea, Black Butterfly, Casandalee, Cayden Cailean, Dajermube, Falayna, Falayna, Kazutal, Marishi, Milani, Narriseminek, Ranginori, Saloc, Shei, Walkena
GlyphLOGM You wield power over written words and symbols. Redact Ghostly transcription Eritrice, Gruhastha, Hastur, Imot, Irez, Kols, Lady Jingxi, Lissala, Magdh, Magrim, Mephistopheles, Nalinivati, Thoth, Valmallos, Winlas, Ydajisk
Healing Your healing magic is particularly potent. Healer’s blessing Rebuke death Arundhat, Atreia, Bolka, Chamidu, Immonhiel, Balm-Bringer, Isis, Korada, Osiris, Pharasma, Qi Zhong, Sarenrae, Sekhmet, Selket, Shei, Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones, Tlehar, Uvuko
Indulgence You feast mightily and can shake off the effects of overindulging. Overstuff Take its course Baphomet, Cayden Cailean, Gogunta, Halcamora, Hei Feng, Kabriri, Kitumu, Lahkgya, Sekhmet, Sun Wukong, The Green Mother, Thisamet, Urgathoa, Ydersius, Zura
IntrospectionBL-06 You guide others in examining their lives, emotions, and motivations to ultimately become a truer version of themselves—a difficult and often painful process. guided introspection confront selves
Knowledge You receive divine insights. Scholarly recollection Know the enemy Abraxas, Andoletta, Angradd, Barzahk, Bergelmir, Mother Of Memories, Brigh, Casandalee, Charon, Dhalavei, Dranngvit, Eritrice, Fandarra, The Blood Mother, Gruhastha, Irori, Kabriri, Kols, Lady Jingxi, Likha, Magdh, Mazludeh, Ma’at, Mephistopheles, Monad, Narriseminek, Nethys, Ng, Nyarlathotep, Otolmens, Pharasma, Qi Zhong, Raumya, Saloc, The Lost Prince, Thoth, Valmallos, Winlas, Ydajisk, Yog-Sothoth, Yuelral, Zohls
LightningLOGM You control electricity, thunder, and storms. Charged javelin Bottle the storm Cernunnos, Chamidu, Hei Feng, Lubaiko, Ranginori, Set, Vineshvakhi
Luck You’re unnaturally lucky and keep out of harm’s way. Bit of luck Lucky break Bes, Chaldira Zuzaristan, Desna, Gendowyn, Gendowyn, Halcamora, Irez, Kofusachi, Lao Shu Po, Nivi Rhombodazzle
Magic You perform the unexpected and inexplicable. Magic’s vessel Mystic beacon Abraxas, Alseta, Arundhat, Baalzebul, Barbatos, Irez, Isis, Korada, Lissala, Nalinivati, Nethys, Ng, Nyarlathotep, Orcus, Qi Zhong, Selket, Sivanah, Soralyon, Thoth, Urgathoa, Valmallos, Yuelral
Might Your physical power is bolstered by divine strength. Athletic rush Enduring might Achaekek, Alglenweis, Alocer, Angazhan, Arqueros, Ashukharma, Ayrzul, Balumbdar, Baphomet, Cayden Cailean, Dranngvit, Eiseth, Falayna, Falayna, General Susumu, Geryon, Gogunta, Gorum, Imbrex, Iomedae, Irori, Jaidi, Jin Li, Kazutal, Kols, Kostchtchie, Kurgess, Lamashtu, Marishi, Moloch, Orcus, Ragdya, Raumya, Sekhmet, Sobek, Sun Wukong, Szuriel, Trudd, Urgathoa, Yamatsumi, Ydersius, Zevgavizeb
Moon You command powers associated with the moon. Moonbeam Touch of the moon Ashava, Dajermube, Desna, Horus, Ketephys, Thoth, Tsukiyo
NagaAE-05 Like the serpentine nagas, you’re in tune with cosmic forces that Ravithra once controlled. split the tongue ordained purpose
Nature You hold power over animals and plants. Vibrant thorns Nature’s bounty Alocer, Angazhan, Arundhat, Balumbdar, Barbatos, Bastet, Cernunnos, Chamidu, Cyth-V’sug, Daikitsu, Erastil, Fandarra, The Blood Mother, Gendowyn, Gendowyn, Gozreh, Halcamora, Immonhiel, Balm-Bringer, Jaidi, Kalekot, Ketephys, Lahkgya, Lysianassa, Matravash, Mother Vulture, Nhimbaloth, Osiris, Ra, Rowdrosh, The Herdsman, Selket, Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones, Sun Wukong, Tanagaar, The Green Mother, Treerazer, Xhamen-Dor, Ylimancha, Zevgavizeb
Nightmares You fill minds with horror and dread. Waking nightmare Shared nightmare Azathoth, Chamidu, Groetus, Gyronna, Jaidz, Kalekot, Kelizandri, Kitumu, Lamashtu, Nyarlathotep, Sifkesh, Treerazer, Trelmarixian, Zura
Pain You punish those who displease you with the sharp sting of pain. Savor the sting Retributive pain Alocer, Arazni, Calistria, Doloras, Gyronna, Narakaas, Shax, Sifkesh, Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones, Vildeis, Vildeis, Vineshvakhi, Yaezhing, Zon-Kuthon
Passion You evoke passion, whether as love or lust. Charming touch Captivating adoration Ardad Lili, Arshea, Bastet, Belial, Bolka, Calistria, Cernunnos, Hathor, Isis, Kofusachi, Likha, Lymnieris, Naderi, Nalinivati, Shelyn, Sturovenen, The Green Mother, The Lantern King, Tlehar
Perfection You strive to perfect your mind, body, and spirit. Perfected mind Perfected form Arshea, Balumbdar, Casandalee, Gruhastha, Irori, Mazludeh, Narriseminek, Otolmens, Ragdya, Shei, Shizuru, Suyuddha
PlagueLOGM You wield disease and pestilence like a weapon. Divine plagues Foul miasma Apollyon, Cyth-V’sug, Ghlaunder, Lady Nanbyo
Protection You ward yourself and others. Protector’s sacrifice Protector’s sphere Adanye, Alseta, Andoletta, Angradd, Anubis, Apsu, Arazni, Arqueros, Arundhat, Ashukharma, Atreia, Balumbdar, Bastet, Bes, Folgrit, Grundinnar, Horus, Jaidz, Kazutal, Korada, Lymnieris, Ma’at, Nethys, Qi Zhong, Rowdrosh, The Herdsman, Selket, Shelyn, Skode, The Hunter, Sobek, Soralyon, Torag, Trudd, Vineshvakhi, Wadjet, Winlas, Yelayne
ReposeLOGM You ease mental burdens. Share burden Font of serenity Adanye, Ashava, Ashukharma, Bergelmir, Mother Of Memories, Doloras, Folgrit, Grundinnar, Immonhiel, Balm-Bringer, Lady Jingxi, Lymnieris, The Lost Prince, Tsukiyo
Secrecy You protect secrets and keep them hidden. Forced quiet Safeguard secret Ayrzul, Baphomet, Black Butterfly, Calistria, Dhalavei, Erecura, Hastur, Kalekot, Ketephys, Kols, Mephistopheles, Ng, Norgorber, Sivanah
SorrowLOGM You have a painful connection to melancholy and sadness. Lament Overflowing sorrow Andoletta, Count Ranalc, Doloras, Folgrit, Likha, Naderi, Narakaas, Pulura, Sifkesh, The Lost Prince, Vildeis, Vildeis, Zyphus
SoulLOGM You wield power over the spiritual. Eject soul Ectoplasmic interstice Alglenweis, Anubis, Ashava, Charon, Magrim, Osiris, Tsukiyo, Zyphus
StarLOGM You command the power of the stars. Zenith star Asterism Black Butterfly, Findeladlara, Ma’at, Pulura
Sun You harness the power of the sun and other light sources, and punish undead. Dazzling flash Positive luminance Atreia, Chohar, Dajermube, Hathor, Horus, Jaidi, Luhar, Nurgal, Ra, Sarenrae, Shizuru, Sturovenen, Tlehar, Walkena
SwarmLOGM You exert control over masses of creatures. Swarmsense Swarm form Apollyon, Ghlaunder, Halcamora, Kitumu, Lahkgya, Lao Shu Po, Pazuzu
TimeLOGM You reign over the flow of time. Delay consequence Stasis Aakriti, Alseta, Brigh, Ra, Shyka, Yog-Sothoth
ToilAA-04 You work constantly and refuse to let anything stand in your way. practice makes perfect tireless worker Bolka, Jin Li, Lissala, Mammon, Sairazul, Yelayne
Travel You have power over movement and journeys. Agile feet Traveler’s transit Abadar, Apsu, Barbatos, Barzahk, Count Ranalc, Desna, Dranngvit, Gozreh, Hanspur, Jaidz, Kelizandri, Kofusachi, Matravash, Ng, Nocticula, Ranginori, Rowdrosh, The Herdsman, Wadjet, Ylimancha, Yog-Sothoth
Trickery You deceive others and cause mischief. Sudden shift Trickster’s twin Achaekek, Asmodeus, Baalzebul, Bastet, Belial, Besmara, Calistria, Chaldira Zuzaristan, Dhalavei, Droskar, Erecura, Grandmother Spider, Lahkgya, Lamashtu, Lao Shu Po, Mahathallah, Nivi Rhombodazzle, Norgorber, Nyarlathotep, Pazuzu, Picoperi, Shax, Sifkesh, Sivanah, Sun Wukong, Suyuddha, Thamir, The Lantern King, Yaezhing, Ydajisk
Truth You pierce lies and discover the truth. Word of truth Glimpse the truth Dammerich, Dranngvit, Erecura, Eritrice, Geryon, Gruhastha, Grundinnar, Iomedae, Irori, Kols, Kurgess, Magdh, Mahathallah, Ma’at, Monad, Sarenrae, Zohls
Tyranny You wield power to rule and enslave others. Touch of obedience Commanding lash Angazhan, Asmodeus, Barbatos, Dispater, Droskar, Gogunta, Mephistopheles, Pazuzu, Treerazer, Walkena
Undeath Your magic carries close ties to the undead. Touch of undeath Malignant sustenance Fumeiyoshi, Kabriri, Mahathallah, Nhimbaloth, Orcus, Urgathoa, Zura, Zyphus
VigilLOGM You watch over those long passed and guard their secrets. Object memory Remember the lost Anubis, Barzahk, Bergelmir, Mother Of Memories, Dammerich, Dranngvit, Kabriri, Ragadahn, Shizuru, The Lost Prince, Winlas
VoidLOGM You draw power from emptiness. Empty inside Door to beyond Azathoth, Black Butterfly, Groetus, Hastur, Kerkamoth, Monad, Nhimbaloth, Yog-Sothoth
Water You control water and bodies of water. Tidal surge Downpour Besmara, Charon, Dagon, Diomazul, Geryon, Gogunta, Gozreh, Hanspur, Hei Feng, Kelizandri, Lady Nanbyo, Lysianassa, Matravash, Naderi, Ragadahn, Sobek, Wadjet, Ylimancha
Wealth You hold power over wealth, trade, and treasure. Appearance of wealth Precious metals Abadar, Besmara, Erastil, Falayna, Falayna, Hanspur, Hastur, Hathor, Kofusachi, Mammon, Nivi Rhombodazzle, Norgorber, Raumya, Sairazul, Thamir, Thisamet
WyrmkinLOGM You draw on the power of dragons, linnorms, and other powerful reptilian creatures. Draconic barrage Roar of the wyrm Abraxas, Apsu, Ardad Lili, Dahak, Geryon, Nalinivati, Ragadahn, Sobek, Uvuko, Zevgavizeb
Zeal Your inner fire increases your combat prowess. Weapon surge Zeal for battle Achaekek, Alocer, Angradd, Arqueros, Baphomet, Belial, Cernunnos, Chaldira Zuzaristan, Dagon, Dahak, Diomazul, Eiseth, General Susumu, Gorum, Gyronna, Iomedae, Kostchtchie, Kurgess, Lubaiko, Milani, Orcus, Ragathiel, Ragathiel, Rovagug, Skode, The Hunter, Suyuddha, Tanagaar, Trudd, Vildeis, Vildeis, Wadjet, Ydersius, Ymeri