Pathfinder 2 easy Library




The Universal


The primordial inevitable of machinery, math, and physics, Otolmens the Universal is tasked with keeping the galaxies, stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies moving in their proper orbits. From her observatory in the city-plane of Axis, Otolmens and her myriad axiomite assistants track the motions of these objects on the Material Plane.

Edicts Relentlessly document and interpret data, correct cosmic errors

Anathema Suppress a factual report, ignore facts, misrepresent quantitative data

Follower Alignments LG, LN

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Dexterity or Intelligence

Divine Font Heal

Divine Skill Crafting

Favored Weapon Mace

Domains creation, fate, knowledge, perfection

Cleric Spells1st: true strike, 4th: gravity well, 7th: reverse gravity