Pathfinder 2 easy Library




The Seventh Veil

N goddess of illusions, mysteries, reflections, secrets

No ancient record reveals the truth of Sivanah’s origins; in fact, only recent documents record her existence at all. The Seventh Veil is widely regarded as the goddess of illusion magic, often portrayed as a figure disguised by seven veils.

Edicts show the beauty in illusions, pursue the nature of truth, respect the need for secrets

Anathema use illusions and shadows to harm another creature, reveal a secret you have sworn to keep

Follower Alignments LN, NG, N, NE, CN

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Wisdom or Charisma

Divine Font harm or heal

Divine Skill Deception

Favored Weapon bladed scarf

Domains delirium, magic, secrecy, trickery

Alternate Domains glyph

Cleric Spells1st: illusory disguise, 4th: veil, 5th: shadow siphon

Divine Intercession

The Seventh Veil abhors the use of illusion to cause harm and detests anyone who discourages or corrupts the process of truth-seeking. The goddess works actively against the faith of Zon-Kuthon and his clerics’ use of shadow.

Minor Boon: Sivanah prevents your enemies from pulling off your veil. Once, when a foe rolls a success on a Perception check to disbelieve your illusion, it gets a critical failure instead. Sivanah typically grants this benefit to protect an elaborate or consequential illusory deception, and she never uses it to improve the effect of a harmful illusion.

Moderate Boon: You wear a veil of illusion wherever you go. You can cast illusory disguise at will as an innate divine spell.

Major Boon: You spread your illusions over a larger area. You can designate an area to permanently gain the effects of hallucinatory terrain. All creatures within this area gain the effects of illusory disguise, changing their forms as you wish. You can designate a new area as a 1-minute activity, but doing so dismisses any previously designated areas.

Minor Curse: Your hair becomes a wild variety of colors, which cannot be altered with mundane or magical means, and it somehow grows out from under any cap, scarf, or other headwear intended to disguise it. You gain a –2 status penalty to Deception skill checks to Impersonate anyone else.

Moderate Curse: Those who betray the secrets of others find their own secrets laid bare. Each person from whom you are keeping a secret immediately learns one of your secrets involving that person. This curse doesn’t give away other people’s secrets you are keeping, only your own.

Major Curse: Mirrors break whenever you cross their paths. You cannot be concealed by illusion magic of any kind (the spell automatically fails), and all creatures that see you know your true identity.