Pathfinder 2 easy Library




Prince of the Moon

Tsukiyo Religious Symbol

LG god of jade, the moon, spirits

The surface of Golarion’s moon is marred with a great scar, and the people of Tian Xia say this is where Tsukiyo, the Prince of the Moon, was struck down by his envious brother Fumeiyoshi. When his lover Shizuru found him the next morning, her tears mixed with his blood to create the first pieces of jade.

Edicts provide aid and counsel without judgment to those who seek help, help the dead find their rest, amplify or help speak for the powerless and demonized

Anathema harm another out of envy, force aid on those who do not want it, inflict harmful mental effects on others as punishment

Follower Alignments LG, LN, NG, N, CG

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Constitution or Intelligence

Divine Font heal

Divine Skill Occultism

Favored Weapon spear

Domains delirium, moon, repose, soul

Alternate Domains change

Cleric Spells1st: soothe, 2nd: mirror image, 5th: hallucination

Divine Intercession

Ever mercurial, the Prince of the Moon gives his blessings rarely and somewhat spontaneously. An understanding soul, he is as slow to curse as he is to bless.

Minor Boon: Tsukiyo’s simplest show of gratitude is a gift of clarity. Once, when you roll a failure on a saving throw against a mental effect, you get a critical success instead. Tsukiyo typically grants this boon against a particularly consequential mental effect.

Moderate Boon: Tsukiyo watches over you and guards your sleep. You are guaranteed a peaceful night’s rest no matter what conditions you are sleeping in. Even nightmare and similar abilities can’t disrupt your sleep unless they come from a deity, artifact, or similarly powerful source.

Major Boon: Tsukiyo shares some of his own nature and can lead a favored soul back along the same path he has walked. The next time you would die, you are instead instantly restored to full health and lose any negative conditions you have.

Minor Curse: Those who offend Tsukiyo find that light actively shuns them. You lose any low-light vision or darkvision you have, and you treat all light levels as one step lower.

Moderate Curse: If Tsukiyo is particularly offended by someone, they may find themselves lost in delusions of moonlight. When attempting to navigate or find something at night, if you roll a success or critical success on your Perception check, Survival check, or other check to do so, you get a failure instead.

Major Curse: When Tsukiyo truly loses patience with someone, he forces them to experience the hardships of others firsthand. Whenever you touch another creature or another creature touches you, you immediately gain any negative curses, diseases, and conditions they are suffering. These effects spread to you even when you Strike another creature or a creature Strikes you.