Pathfinder 2 easy Library




The Wind and the Waves

Gozreh Religious Symbol

N god of nature, the sea, and weather

Realm nomadic (Material Plane)

Allies Besmara, Desna, Erastil

Enemies Nethys, Rovagug, Urgathoa

Temples areas of great natural beauty, lighthouses, mills, shorelines

Worshippers druids, explorers, fishers, hermits, survivalists

Sacred Animal all

Sacred Colors blue and green

A deity of two aspects, known as the Wind and the Waves, Gozreh rules over nature, the sea, and weather. Gozreh is popular with druids and those who seek to preserve the wilds.

Edicts cherish, protect, and respect nature in all its forms

Anathema bring civilization to intrude on the wild, create undead, despoil areas of natural beauty

Follower Alignments NG, LN, N, CN, NE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom

Divine Font heal

Divine Skill Survival

Favored Weapon trident

Domains air, nature, travel, water

Cleric Spells 1st: gust of wind, 3rd: lightning bolt, 5th: control water

Divine Intercession

Gozreh is pleased when their creatures and waterways are treated with respect but quick to show their displeasure.

Minor Boon: Gozreh grants their guidance while at sea. You are under the constant effects of know direction and become trained in Sailing Lore (or another Lore skill if you are already trained in Sailing Lore).

Moderate Boon: You gain the touch of the sea. You can breathe underwater and gain a swim Speed equal to your land Speed.

Major Boon: Gozreh has blessed you with their wind in your stride. You gain a +30-foot status bonus to your Speeds, and you gain a fly Speed equal to your land Speed.

Minor Curse: Lightning begins to strike twice. You gain weakness 5 to electricity, and any natural or magical bolts of lightning always target you rather than the other creatures around you.

Moderate Curse: The current of the waves constantly fights against you, putting you at risk of drowning any time you must Swim. You lose any swim Speed you have, unless it’s your only Speed, in which case you take a –20-foot status penalty to your swim Speed. When you roll an Athletics check to Swim, you always use the outcome for one degree of success worse than the result of your roll.

Major Curse: Those who displease Gozreh are shunned by nature itself. All animals and nonsapient plant creatures are hostile to you, and any animal companion or familiar abandons you. Sapient plants’ attitude toward you begins two categories worse than normal, as something about you seems repugnant to them. While plants and animals might not attack you outright if it’s not normally in their nature to do so when they are hostile, dogs growl at you, cats hiss, and so on.