Pathfinder 2 easy Library




The Wise

Yuelral Religious Symbol


Edicts Practice herbalism, use and enchant gems, encourage and teach magicians and jewelers, preserve elven magic and knowledge

Anathema Cut a gem for aesthetic purposes, defile nature, allow the irresponsible use of magic

Follower Alignments LG, NG, N, CG

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Intelligence or Wisdom

Divine Font Heal

Divine Skill Arcana

Favored Weapon Dagger

Domains creation, earth, knowledge, magic

Cleric Spells1st: shattering gem, 2nd: shape wood, 3rd: meld into stone, 4th: speak with plants, 5th: tree stride, 6th: tangling creepers, 7th: unfettered pack, 8th: prismatic wall, 9th: nature’s enmity