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The Gossamer King

Ghlaunder Religious Symbol

CE god of infection, insects, parasites, and stagnation

Ghlaunder is the god of pestilence, infection, and insects. His form resembles that of a giant mosquito, warped and distended by the parasites he hosts.

He leaves malaise in his wake, laying waste to everything he can.

Edicts corrupt pieces of land, water sources, and communities; infect the weak; spread and nurture disease

Anathema aid in ending a plague or infection, destroy something out of hand when you could have instead corrupted it or leeched off it first

Follower Alignments NE, CE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom

Divine Font harm

Divine Skill Nature

Favored Weapon spear

Domains air, decay, plague, swarm

Cleric Spells1st: goblin pox, 2nd: vomit swarm, 3rd: insect form

Divine Intercession

The Gossamer King’s gifts seem bizarre and cruel to those outside of his following, but his faithful crave his gifts zealously and fear his punishments.

Minor Boon: Your commitment to filth draws a small cloud of disease-laden insects. Once, you can summon a cloud of midges, mosquitos, and flies to surround you for 1 minute. Creatures adjacent to you at any point during that time become drained 1, sickened 1, and exposed to a blood-borne illness. Ghlaunder typically grants this boon when you can infect a significant number of creatures.

Moderate Boon: Ghlaunder teaches you to bide your time, corrupting and infecting until the time is right. When you expose a creature to a disease and it succeeds at its Fortitude save, it is still infected unless it critically succeeds. However, such a creature experiences no effects and the disease does not progress for the first 24 hours, even if the disease is normally fast-acting or someone uses another ability to progress the disease. It’s very difficult to detect the infection in the first day; the DC for Medicine checks to do so is 5 higher.

Major Boon: Ghlaunder rewards his followers with the ability to safely spread illness—or on occasion, offers respite to desperate petitioners who please him. You do not take negative effects from any disease you are infected with unless or until Ghlaunder rescinds this benefit.

Minor Curse: Ghlaunder drains away your life force for himself. You become drained 1 and can’t reduce your drained condition below 1.

Moderate Curse: Ghlaunder leeches your energy from you as easily as blood. Any time you fail a Fortitude save, you become fatigued in addition to all other effects.

Major Curse: You are struck with a contagious disease of the GM’s choice. You and anyone else you infect can’t be cured of the disease or improve its condition to an earlier stage in any way until you infect two other sapient beings with the disease.