Pathfinder 2 easy Library




Lord of the Labyrinth


Baphomet, Lord of the Labyrinth, is the demon lord of beasts, labyrinths, and minotaurs. Baphomet was originally a consort of Lamashtu who achieved demon lord status after escaping from imprisonment in a labyrinth constructed by Asmodeus.

Edicts Confuse paths and roads, outwit your foes instead of overpowering them, pace labyrinths

Anathema Kill something that cannot significantly harm you, bargain with Asmodeus

Follower Alignments CN, CE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Intelligence or Wisdom

Divine Font Harm

Divine Skill Survival

Favored Weapon Glaive

Domains indulgence, might, secrecy, zeal

Cleric Spells1st: summon animal, 2nd: enlarge, 8th: maze