Pathfinder 2 easy Library




The Prince of Darkness

Asmodeus Religious Symbol

LE god of contracts, pride, slavery, and tyranny

Realm Nessus (Hell)

Allies Abadar

Enemies Besmara, Cayden Cailean, Grandmother Spider, Iomedae, Irori, Lamashtu, Rovagug, Sarenrae, Shelyn

Relationships Ihys (deceased brother)

Temples dark temples near government buildings

Worshippers diabolists, lawyers, slavers, those who seek rulership or discipline

Sacred Animal serpent

Sacred Colors black and red

The Prince of Darkness reigns over contracts, pride, slavery, and tyranny, and he delights in tempting mortals to the path of evil. He promotes strict hierarchies where everyone knows their place, and he takes advantage of order for his own selfish benefit.

Edicts negotiate contracts to your best advantage, rule tyrannically and torture weaker beings, show subservience to your betters

Anathema break a contract, free a slave, insult Asmodeus by showing mercy to your enemies

Follower Alignments LE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability any, though characters who commit themselves to Asmodeus this way have their souls bound to the Dark Prince for all eternity

Divine Font harm

Divine Skill Deception

Favored Weapon mace

Domains confidence, fire, trickery, tyranny

Alternate Domains duty, glyph

Cleric Spells 1st: charm, 4th: suggestion, 6th: mislead

Divine Intercession

Asmodeus tends to offer his gifts to entice those on the precipice of yielding to his vile temptations. His curses come most often in response to those who break contracts in his name, or commit other personal insults.

Minor Boon: Pleased by your talent for manipulation, Asmodeus amplifies your skills. Once, when you fail at the Diplomacy check to make a significant or consequential Request, you can cast suggestion on the target of your Request, suggesting the same course of action. This is a divine innate spell.

Moderate Boon: Your eyes glow red like embers and your skin takes on a crimson tone. You gain darkvision and fire resistance 5.

Major Boon: Asmodeus helps enforce your bargains and contracts. When a creature enters a bargain or contract with you, uncoerced and of its own free will, it can’t voluntarily violate its side of the bargain as long as you uphold your side. You can always choose to violate the bargain yourself, but if you do, the creature is no longer bound to fulfill its part.

Minor Curse: Asmodeus’s flames burn you with great malice. You gain weakness 5 to fire.

Moderate Curse: Asmodeus forces your compliance. You can’t voluntarily back out of an agreement or contract or go back on your word, though you need follow only the letter of the agreement, not the spirit.

Major Curse: Asmodeus has taken note of the chaos you have wrought. You receive an ancient wound that feels older than time itself. You become permanently drained 4, and nothing short of another intercession can remove the condition. Your wound aches fiercely whenever you perform a particularly chaotic act, causing you to become sickened 1.