Pathfinder 2 easy Library




Lady of Graves

Pharasma Religious Symbol

N goddess of birth, death, fate, prophecy, and time

Realm Boneyard

Allies Alseta, Tsukiyo

Enemies Urgathoa

Temples catacombs, cathedrals, cemeteries, hospitals, libraries, river islands

Worshippers midwives, morticians, physicians, pregnant people, prophets, scholars, those close to death or engaging in deadly ventures

Sacred Animal whip-poor-wills

Sacred Colors blue and white

Ancient and powerful beyond even most other gods, the Lady of Graves presides over birth, death, fate, and prophecy. From her throne in the Boneyard, she judges the souls of all who perish, and she ensures that the natural cycle of birth and death—the River of Souls—is not disrupted.

Edicts strive to understand ancient prophecies, destroy undead, lay bodies to rest

Anathema create undead, desecrate a corpse, rob a tomb

Follower Alignments NG, LN, N

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom

Divine Font heal

Divine Skill Medicine

Favored Weapon dagger

Domains death, fate, healing, knowledge

Alternate Domains soul, time, vigil

Cleric Spells 1st: mindlink, 3rd: ghostly weapon, 4th: phantasmal killer

Divine Intercession

Those who would prevent a soul from reaching the afterlife draw Pharasma’s ire, but those who merely dabble in pursuits like lengthening their life or resurrection are usually ignored, as eventually death comes for all.

Minor Boon: You see a momentary, prophetic glimpse of your fate. Once, you gain a +2 status bonus to a single check; you can apply this bonus after you determine the result, and it can potentially change the degree of success.

Moderate Boon: You gain a greater mastery over the energies of life and death. Your Strikes deal 1 positive damage to undead. Your spells that deal positive damage to undead gain a +1 status bonus to damage per spell level, and your spells that heal the living gain a +1 status bonus to the Hit Points restored per spell level.

Major Boon: Pharasma keeps you alive to fulfill your fate. The GM secretly chooses a fate Pharasma knows you must fulfill. Until you fulfill this fate, any time you would die, a grave but nonfatal misfortune instead befalls you. You take at least a full day to recuperate and you potentially face permanent consequences, but you don’t die. If you would have died even once without this boon, once your fate is complete, you let out a final sigh and then die peacefully.

Minor Curse: Horrifying or enticing visions of your final judgment distract you from the task at hand. You take a –2 status penalty to initiative rolls.

Moderate Curse: Fate turns against you and reveals dire portents. Divinations such as augury cast by you or that involve you always suggest woe. Once per day after you attempt a check, the GM can make the result of the roll a natural 1.

Major Curse: Pharasma wills the end of your life and your lineage. You become unable to have children (or otherwise procreate by any means, including create spawn abilities) and are permanently doomed 2.