Pathfinder 2 easy Library




Our Lord in Iron

Gorum Religious Symbol

CN god of battle, strength, and weapons

Realm Clashing Shore (Elysium)

Allies none

Enemies Achaekek, Norgorber, Urgathoa

Temples armories, battlefields, fortresses

Worshippers half-orcs, mercenaries, smiths, soldiers

Sacred Animal rhinoceros

Sacred Colors gray and red

Soldiers call out prayers to Our Lord in Iron, god of battle, strength, and weapons. Gorum emphasizes strength and power, encouraging his followers to seek out war and combat as the ultimate way to worship him.

Edicts attain victory in fair combat, push your limits, wear armor in combat

Anathema kill prisoners or surrendering foes, prevent conflict through negotiation, win a battle through underhanded tactics or indirect magic

Follower Alignments CN, CE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Strength or Constitution

Divine Font harm or heal

Divine Skill Athletics

Favored Weapon greatsword

Domains confidence, destruction, might, zeal

Cleric Spells 1st: true strike, 2nd: enlarge, 4th: weapon storm

Divine Intercession

Gorum views things very simply: one either fights and earns his favor, or one is a coward and receives only scorn.

Minor Boon: Gorum grants you a weapon whenever you need one. You can use an Interact action to draw a 0-level non-magical iron weapon, even if you have no weapons on your person. Such a weapon lasts only as long as you continue using it to attack, and it can’t be sold, given away, melted for scrap iron, or the like.

Moderate Boon: Your blows become unstoppable, carrying the momentum of Gorum’s thrill for battle. Your greatsword Strikes gain the forceful trait.

Major Boon: Gorum feeds you the zeal of his undying warriors, allowing you to draw upon your own life force to fight on and on without falling. Whenever you would be reduced to 0 Hit Points, you are instead healed to half your maximum Hit Points and become doomed 1 (or increase your doomed condition by 1).

Minor Curse: Gorum rewards cowardice with frailty. Any armor you wear and shield you wield reduces its item bonus to AC by 2 (minimum 0) and its Hardness, Hit Points, and Break Threshold by half.

Moderate Curse: You’ve lost the glory of slaying a worthy opponent. All of your weapon and unarmed attacks decrease their damage dice by one step, and all your attacks are nonlethal.

Major Curse: You are unable to keep up with the rigors of combat. The moment a combat breaks out, you become fatigued and slowed 1. At the end of each of your turns, your slowed condition increases by 1. These conditions end only when you are no longer in combat.