Pathfinder 2 easy Library




Queen of the Inferno


The elemental lord of fire is Ymeri, Queen of the Inferno, lord of fire, heat, and smoke. The sole ruler of the Plane of Fire, Ymeri governs from her Auroric Palace, taking the form of a six-armed reptilian centaur with burning wings.

Edicts Inspire your lessers with zeal and strategy, be passionate and quick of wit, destroy your foes with fire

Anathema Extinguish destructive blazes, allow yourself to stagnate or lose motivation

Follower Alignments LE, N, NE, CE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Strength or Charisma

Divine Font Harm

Divine Skill Intimidation

Favored Weapon Longsword

Domains destruction, dust, fire, zeal

Cleric Spells1st: burning hands, 2nd: summon elemental (fire only), 4th: wall of fire