Pathfinder 2 easy Tree



The All-Seeing Eye

Nethys Religious Symbol

N god of magic

Realm Ahkanefti (Maelstrom)

Allies none

Enemies none

Temples cathedrals, libraries, towers

Worshippers scholars, scribes, spellcasters, wizards

Sacred Animal zebra

Sacred Colors black and white

The All-Seeing Eye, god of magic, has a dualistic nature of destruction and preservation; his ability to witness all things has shattered his mind.

Edicts seek out magical power and use it

Anathema pursue mundane paths over magical ones

Follower Alignments NG, LN, N, CN, NE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Wisdom or Intelligence

Divine Font harm or heal

Divine Skill Arcana

Favored Weapon staff

Domains destruction, knowledge, magic, protection

Alternate Domains glyph

Cleric Spells 1st: magic missile, 2nd: magic mouth, 3rd: levitate, 4th: blink, 5th: prying eye, 6th: wall of force, 7th: warp mind, 8th: maze, 9th: disjunction

Divine Intercession

Nethys is often impartial to his followers and their wishes, so it is rare to gain a heightened favor from the god of magic. However, blatant disregard and stifling of magic will certainly earn his ire.

Minor Boon: Nethys casts a powerful spell to help you in a pinch. Once, Nethys casts a spell 1 level higher than the highest-level spell you can cast. If you can’t cast spells, Nethys casts a 1st-level spell to help you.

Moderate Boon: Nethys grants you insight into the secrets of magic. Add one spell from a different tradition of magic to your spell list. You still must learn it or add it to your repertoire normally.

Major Boon: You are granted supreme magical knowledge and mastery. If you are a prepared spellcaster, you can switch one of your prepared spells for another spell you could have prepared in that slot; if you are a spontaneous spellcaster, you can switch one of the spells in your spell repertoire for another spell you could have chosen for your repertoire instead. In either case, you make this switch by using a single action, which has the concentrate trait. (If you are neither a prepared nor a spontaneous spellcaster, Nethys won’t grant you his major boon.)

Minor Curse: The secrets of magic become mentally taxing. You are permanently stupefied 1.

Moderate Curse: Your magic wars against itself like Nethys’s dueling halves. Whenever you cast a spell, attempt a DC 11 flat check. On a failure, if your spell was harmful, you instead cast a beneficial spell of the same level on your intended targets, and if it was beneficial, you instead cast a harmful spell of the same level on your intended targets. If the spell benefited some targets and harmed others, you cast a spell of the same level that switches who benefited (for instance, changing a heal spell that harmed undead and healed the living to a harm spell that healed undead and harmed the living). You still lose the spell slot for the spell you were trying to cast.

Major Curse: Nethys severs your connection to magic. You lose all your spellcasting abilities and cannot gain any future spellcasting.