Pathfinder 2 easy Library







Recall Knowledge (fey) Nature DC 20

Perception +12; Low-Light Vision

Languages Common, Sylvan

Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +15, Deception +11, Intimidation +13, Nature +10, Stealth +13

Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +2

Items iron boots, red cap, scythe

Red Cap (necromancy, primal) A redcap’s woolen hat is dyed with the blood of its victims. If the redcap loses its cap, it no longer benefits from fast healing and takes a –4 status penalty to its damage rolls. It can create a new cap in 10 minutes, but that cap doesn’t grant its powers until the redcap has turned it red with Blood Soak. A cap has no benefit for creatures other than the redcap who made it.

AC 21; Fort +11, Ref +15, Will +10

HP 60, fast healing 10; Weaknesses cold iron 5, divine revulsion

Divine Revulsion (emotion, fear, mental) If a redcap sees a creature brandish a religious symbol of a good deity (which requires an interact action by that creature) or use one to cast a divine spell, the redcap must attempt a DC 19 Will save. It then becomes temporarily immune to all brandished religious symbols for 10 minutes.

Critical Success The redcap is unaffected.

Success The redcap is frightened 2.

Failure The redcap gains the fleeing condition for 1 round and is frightened 4.

Speed 50 feet

Melee scythe +15 / +10 / +5 (deadly 1d10, trip), Damage 1d10+10 slashing

Melee boot +13 / +9 / +5 (agile, versatile B), Damage 1d6+8 piercing

Blood Soak (manipulate) The redcap dips its cap in the blood of a slain foe. The foe must have died in the last minute, and the redcap must have helped kill it. The redcap gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls for 1 minute.

Deadly Cleave Trigger The redcap reduces a creature to 0 Hit Points with a scythe Strike. Effect The redcap makes another scythe Strike against a different creature, using the same multiple attack penalty as the scythe Strike that triggered this reaction.

This counts toward its multiple attack penalty.

Stomp The redcap Strides up to half its Speed and makes a boot Strike at any point during that movement. If the boot Strike hits a prone creature, it deals an extra 2d6 persistent bleed damage.