Pathfinder 2 easy Library


Precision Damage


Core Rulebook > Chapter 9: Playing the Game > General Rules > Special Checks > Step 2: Determine The Damage Type

Sometimes you are able to make the most of your attack through sheer precision. When you hit with an ability that grants you precision damage, you increase the attack’s listed damage, using the same damage type, rather than tracking a separate pool of damage. For example, a non-magical dagger Strike that deals 1d6 precision damage from a rogue’s sneak attack increases the piercing damage by 1d6.

Some creatures are immune to precision damage, regardless of the damage type; these are often amorphous creatures that lack vulnerable anatomy. A creature immune to precision damage would ignore the 1d6 precision damage in the example above, but it would still take the rest of the piercing damage from the Strike. Since precision damage is always the same type of damage as the attack it’s augmenting, a creature that is resistant to physical damage, like a gargoyle, would resist not only the dagger’s damage but also the precision damage, even though it is not specifically resistant to precision damage.