Crafter Level ; Crafting Proficiency Rank ; Crafting Feat
Formula Price
Tools You have an appropriate set of tools and, in many cases, a workshop; Crafting Materials You must supply raw materials worth
Extra Requirements
Crafter Level ; Crafting Proficiency Rank ; Crafting Feat
Formula Price
Tools You have an appropriate set of tools and, in many cases, a workshop; Crafting Materials You must supply raw materials worth
Extra Requirements
This setup time is the base number of days it takes to create the item. If you decide to take the slow and methodical approach (Core Rulebook 244), you spend that number of days of Regular Setup in Table 1, and then attempt the Crafting check to determine your success. You can instead rush the process (Treasure Vault 158), taking days off the time needed to setup the item while introducing a greater risk of failure.
Below, you may change your Crafting Proficiency Rank and your Crafter Level.
Take the DC from Table 1. When you take Rush Crafting, you have to decide on your approach to the job, from Trained to Legendary, which is limited by your proficiency. That choice sets the Setup Time and the Crafting DC.
Critical Success Your attempt is successful. Each additional day spent Crafting reduces the materials needed to complete the item by an amount based on your level + 1 and your proficiency rank in Crafting.
Success Your attempt is successful. Each additional day spent Crafting reduces the materials needed to complete the item by an amount based on your level and your proficiency rank.
Failure You fail to complete the item. You can salvage the raw materials you supplied for their full value. If you want to try again, you must start over.
Critical Failure You fail to complete the item. You ruin 10% of the raw materials you supplied, but you can salvage the rest (30 gp). If you want to try again, you must start over.
If your Crafting check is a success, you expend the raw materials and can complete the item immediately by paying the remaining portion of the item’s Price in materials. Alternatively, you can spend additional downtime days working on the item. Above, you may change your Proficiency Rank and your Crafter Level. Below you can choose your Crafting Check Result from Step 3 and you may select the Additional Days of Work. This webtool calculates the Remaining Balance.
If you are at least an Expert in Crafting, you can rush the finishing process (toggle the Rush the Finish), reducing the value of the materials you must expend to complete the item. Doing so comes at a risk; at the end of the creation process, once the item is finished, you must attempt a DC flat check.
Success the item is complete and works perfectly.
Failure the item is still completed, but it gains a quirk.
Critical Failure the item is ruined or might become a cursed item attached to you.
To use one of the NPCs in this section to represent an NPC of a different ancestry, apply the adjustments below for the desired ancestry. These provide the basic features from that ancestry, like darkvision, altered Speed, and unique abilities like a halfling’s keen eyes. For other ancestries, you can create similar templates following the same format. In addition to these base changes, you can add the effects of a specific heritage: you might apply the snow goblin heritage if your NPC is a Frostfur goblin and you want them to have cold resistance. You can also give them an ancestry feat, or even adjust their ability scores and skills to reflect the new ancestry’s strengths and weaknesses. For a half-elf, half-orc, or any other heritage essential to the character, you should always apply the heritage effect.
Ancestry | New Trait | Senses | New Languages | Speed Change | Special |
ANADI | — | Anadi, Mwangi | — | Fangs |
ANADI | — | Anadi, Mwangi | — | Fangs |
ANDROID | — | Androffan | — | — |
AUTOMATON | — | Utopian, the language of the plane of, Axis | — | — |
AUTOMATON | — | Utopian, the language of the plane of, Axis | — | — |
AZARKETI | — | Alghollthu | -5 feet | — |
CATFOLK | Low-Light Vision | Amurrun | — | Land on your Feet |
CONRASU | — | Mwangi, Rasu | — | Sunlight Healing |
CONRASU | — | Mwangi, Rasu | — | Sunlight Healing |
DOPPELGANGER | — | — | — | — |
DOPPELGANGER | — | — | — | — |
DRAGON | — | Draconic | — | — |
DWARF | Darkvision | Dwarven | -5 feet | — |
ELF | Low-Light Vision | Elven | +5 feet | — |
FETCHLING | Darkvision | Shadowtongue | — | — |
GHORAN | Low-Light Vision | Sylvan | — | — |
GNOLL | — | Gnoll | — | Bite |
GNOLL | — | Gnoll | — | Bite |
GNOME SMALL | Low-Light Vision | Gnomish, Sylvan | — | — |
GOBLIN SMALL | Darkvision | Goblin | — | — |
GOLOMA | — | Goloma, Mwangi | +5 feet | Eyes in Back |
GOLOMA | — | Goloma, Mwangi | +5 feet | Eyes in Back |
GRIPPLI SMALL | — | Grippli | — | — |
GRIPPLI SMALL | — | Grippli | — | — |
HALFLING SMALL | Keen Eyes | Halfling | — | — |
GOBLIN | Darkvision | Goblin | — | — |
HUMAN | — | — | — | — |
KASHRISHI SMALL | — | Kashrishi | — | — |
KASHRISHI SMALL | — | Kashrishi | — | — |
KITSUNE | — | — | — | — |
KOBOLD SMALL | Darkvision | Draconic | — | Draconic Exemplar |
LESHY SMALL | Low-Light Vision | Sylvan | — | Plant Nourishment |
LIZARDFOLK | — | Iruxi | — | Aquatic Adaptation |
NAGAJI | Low-Light Vision | Nagaji | — | — |
NAGAJI | Low-Light Vision | Nagaji | — | — |
ORC | Darkvision | Orcish | — | — |
RATFOLK SMALL | Low-Light Vision | Ysoki | — | — |
SHISK | — | Mwangi, Shisk | — | — |
SHISK | — | Mwangi, Shisk | — | — |
SHOONY SMALL | Low-Light Vision | Shoony | — | Blunt Snout |
SKELETON | — | Necril | — | — |
SKELETON | — | Necril | — | — |
SLIME | — | — | -5 feet | — |
SPRITE | — | Sylvan | -5 feet | — |
STHENO | — | — | — | — |
STHENO | — | — | — | — |
STRIX | — | Strix | — | — |
TENGU | Low-Light Vision | Tengu | — | Sharp Beak |
VANARA | — | Vanaran | — | — |
VANARA | — | Vanaran | — | — |
VISHKANYA | — | Vishkanya | — | — |
VISHKANYA | — | Vishkanya | — | — |
To use one of the creature adjustments in this section, just click the adjustment and the changes will be present in the card.
- | 0 | No adjustment will be applied. | |
Book of the Dead | Target Creature | Level | Description |
Any creature | 0 | The ephemeral form of a ghostly creature lets it pass through solid objects and float in the air. |
Any creature | 0 | Ghoul creatures are typically hairless and gaunt with blue or purple skin and pointed ears. |
Any creature | 0 | Most skeletons are mindless and follow either the basic instincts they had in life or orders given by their creator. |
Any creature | 0 | This creature is a reanimated mindless corpse. |
Any creature | 0 | All types of creatures can have their corpses preserved and rise as mummies. |
Any creature | 0 | A shadow creature is little more than a sentient shadow powered by negative energy. |
Any creature | 0 | Most skeletons are mindless and follow either the basic instincts they had in life or orders given by their creator. |
Any creature | 0 | This creature is a reanimated corpse. |
Any creature | 0 | A vampiric creature consumes the blood of the living for sustenance. |
Any creature | 0 | All wights can drain life through their unarmed attacks, but some can draw life force through weapons as well. |
Any creature | 0 | A zombified creature is a mindless, rotting corpse that attacks everything it perceives. |
Dark Archive | Target Creature | Level | Description |
An existing creature | +1 | An experimental cryptid has been purposefully altered through alchemy, engineering, magic, or ritual to contain some degree of construct components. Although powerful, the process is volatile and imperfect. |
An existing, living creature | +1 | Some strange creatures defy what’s expected from others of their kind due to a peculiar mutation. A mutation can come from a wide variety of sources: a quirk in their lineage, effects from their environment, radiation from bizarre crystals, or exposure to uncontrolled magic. |
An existing, living creature | +1 | Scholars dream of discovering primeval creatures: remnants of an older age, long thought extinct. Primeval cryptids are resilient survivors of their kind or particularly clever individuals. |
An existing creature | +1 | As stories spread about a rumored cryptid, the weight of collective belief transforms the creature to match the tales. The limits of its physical body no longer confine it. |
An existing creature | +1 | A secret society member is an NPC or creature that belongs to a covert organization with influence and connections throughout its local setting and perhaps beyond. |
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The DiceRoller allows you to roll dices from Creatures description and typing an easy formula.
Each creature has some skills or saves with a bonus or penalty to roll. If you click on those modifiers the Diceroller will give you the roll as a popup! Furthermore, you can also click on all the attacks and damages dice descriptors and you'll have the roll has a popup.
These rolls are logged in the diceroller window and you can check them after and repeat them clicking on the pencil at the end of each roll row.
If you want to type the roll, I give you some examples:
2d20kh Keeps Higher result (fortune)
2d20kl Keeps Lower result (misfortune)
2d8 bludgeoning + 1d6 fire
When the group overcomes an encounter with a hazard or creature, each character gains XP equal to the XP of the hazard or creature in the encounter. Match the Party level in the following table to know the XP awarded:
See Experience Points.
Here there is a list of the various monster parts you can gather from this creature. After defeating the monster, players can determine how to best use the parts to refine and imbue items.
You can find rules for refining and imbuing items from a monster at Battlezoo Bestiary.
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Usage etched onto a weapon
A striking rune stores destructive magic in the weapon, increasing the weapon damage dice it deals to two instead of one. For instance, a +1 striking dagger would deal 2d4 damage instead of 1d4 damage.
You can upgrade the striking rune already etched on a weapon to a stronger version, increasing the values of the existing rune to those of the new rune. You must have the formula of the stronger rune to do so, and the Price of the upgrade is the difference between the two runes’ Prices.
Type striking; Level 4; Price 65 gp; Identify Identify Magic (Arcana, Nature, Occultism or Religion) DC 19;
Type greater striking; Level 12; Price 1,065 gp; Identify Identify Magic (Arcana, Nature, Occultism or Religion) DC 30;
The weapon deals three weapon damage dice.
Type major striking; Level 19; Price 31,065 gp; Identify Identify Magic (Arcana, Nature, Occultism or Religion) DC 39;
The weapon deals four weapon damage dice.
You can find the following items with striking rune:
Item with the rune | Level | Bulk | Price | Magic Runes | Magic Activation Effect |
Blast lanceOATSG | 4 | 2 | 100 gp | +1 striking lance | You fire a blast of gunpowder through the weapon that deals 2d8 fire damage. |
SkysunderSKT-01 | 4 | L | – | +1 striking clan dagger | - |
Alicorn lanceTV | 5 | 2 | 150 gp | +1 striking lance | You evoke the spirit of the unicorn that donated the alicorn lance’s horn, which you ride in a shining charge. |
Auspicious scepterSM | 5 | 1 | 150 gp | +1 striking mace | The next attack by a creature who was targeted by the triggering divination spell bypasses an amount of resistance equal to the spell’s level. |
Burr shieldSM | 5 | L | 160 gp | +1 striking shield spikes | One of the burrs catches on the Strike’s target, inflicting 1d10 persistent bleed damage. |
Caterwaul sling | 5 | L | 155 gp | +1 striking sling | You pull the white thread free, then whirl the sling in circles at high speed. |
Cinderclaw gauntletAA-01 | 5 | L | 150 gp | +1 striking spiked gauntlet | The creature you hit must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or be sickened 1 by the gauntlet’s acrid smoke. |
Dagger of eternal sleepLOGM | 5 | L | 25 gp | +1 grievous striking dagger | You transform the dagger of eternal sleep into a +1 grievous striking dagger and Strike an unconscious target with the dagger. |
Dagger of venom | 5 | L | 150 gp | +1 striking dagger | You poison the creature you hit with dagger venom. |
Dog-bone knifeDA | 5 | 1 | 150 gp | +1 striking dagger | - |
Heartripper bladeCKK | 5 | L | 160 gp | +1 striking dagger | The heartripper blade draws power from the devastating strike, causing its blade to erupt in black flames. |
Infiltrator’s accessoryAPG | 5 | 1 | 150 gp | +1 striking sword cane | You twist the sword cane’s hilt, magically merging the blade into the cane. |
Metronomic hammerOACQ | 5 | 1 | 160 gp | +1 striking gnome hooked hammer | By timing the sweeping arcs of your Trip attempt to the built-in metronome of a metronomic hammer, you gain a +1 item bonus to your Athletics check to Trip the target. |
Reaper’s lancetAE-01 | 5 | 1 | 200 gp | +1 striking exquisite sword cane | You poison the creature you hit with the poison currently in the reservoir. |
Solar shellflowerTV | 5 | L | 160 gp | +1 striking flintlock musket | One of the panels from the solar shellflower detaches and unfurls into a tigridia-shaped construct of flame. |
ThundercrasherTV | 5 | 2 | 155 gp | +1 striking blunderbuss | You overload the thundercrasher to emit chaotic sonic frequencies that soften earth and stone. |
Acrobat’s staffEC-02 | 6 | 2 | 235 gp | +1 striking bo staff | Reroll the Acrobatics check and take the better result. |
Arboreal’s revengeGG | 6 | 2 | — | +1 striking blunderbuss | The arboreal haunting the blunderbuss attempts to regrow itself into a new physical body by sprouting from the bodies of all the creatures that the firearm recently harmed. |
Bloodletting kukri | 6 | L | 240 gp | +1 striking kukri | - |
Chatterer of folliesSM | 6 | 1 | 200 gp | +1 striking khakkara | - |
Conflagration clubSM | 6 | 2 | 250 gp | +1 striking greatclub | You mentally align the club’s crystals to reverberate with energy from the spell. |
Cooperative bladeAV-02 | 6 | 1 | 250 gp | +1 striking longsword | - |
Dragonscale staffTV | 6 | 2 | 240 gp | +1 striking bo staff | - |
Gluttonous spearTS | 6 | 1 | 250 gp | +1 striking returning spear | - |
Iris of the skyGG | 6 | 2 | 240 gp | +1 striking jezail | You focus the solar energy housed in the ruby to release a gout of solar flame instead of a bullet. |
Lady’s knifeLOTGB | 6 | L | 200 gp | +1 striking returning dagger | You offer this weapon as a romantic or platonic favor to an ally. |
Lion’s shield | 6 | 1 | 245 gp | +1 striking shield boss | You animate the lion’s head. |
Spider gunGG | 6 | 2 | 250 gp | +1 striking weapon. | You fire a mass of webbing at a square within 30 feet. |
Spike launcherGG | 6 | 2 | 250 gp | +1 striking weapon. | The spike launcher fires a volley of smaller spikes in a 10-foot burst centered anywhere within its range. |
Twining staff | 6 | — to 2 | 250 gp | +1 striking staff | You cause the twigs to rapidly grow or contract, reshaping into a +1 striking staff, a +1 striking bo staff, or its disc form. |
Windlass bolasTV | 6 | L | 200 gp | +1 striking returning | The cord of the bola snakes out as you throw it, allowing the weapon to wrap around a group of enemies. |
Alghollthu lashTV | 7 | 1 | 350 gp | +1 striking whip | The next creature you successfully Strike with this weapon is exposed to alghollthu slime. |
Blade byrnieTV | 7 | 1 | 360 gp | +2 resilient chain shirt. | You pull a link from the armor, which transforms into a +1 striking dagger. |
Branch of the great sugiSG-02 | 7 | 1 | 360 gp | +1 striking whip | You place the branch of the great sugi on the corpse of an evil creature, then cause the branch to suddenly grow into a sugi tree, up to 25 feet tall with a 2-foot-wide trunk. |
Fulminating spearST-02 | 7 | 1 | 360 gp | +1 striking returning spear | You touch the ruby and hurl the spear at a square within 40 feet. |
Guiding starSM | 7 | L | 325 gp | - | Soft light outlines the target. |
Lady’s spiralBD | 7 | 1 | 360 gp | +1 disrupting striking whip | - |
Man-fellerCKK | 7 | 1 | 360 gp | +1 striking cold iron battle axe | - |
Slime whipTS | 7 | 1 | 360 gp | +1 striking shifting whip | For 1 round, the slime whip deals acid damage rather than slashing damage. |
Spellguard bladeAPG | 7 | L | 320 gp | +1 striking main-gauche | - |
Spined shield | 7 | 1 | 360 gp | +1 striking shield spikes | You shoot one of the shield’s spines at a target. |
Spirit fanSG-02 | 7 | L | 360 gp | +1 striking fighting fan (Treasure Vault 25) is adorned with images of three golden leaves and a red rope tassel. | You sweep the spirit fan in the direction of a single target you can see within 30 feet, releasing the life energy in the form of a streak of golden light. |
Tentacle cannonGG | 7 | 2 | 360 gp | +3 greater striking weapon. | You cause one of the tentacles forming the weapon’s five barrels to stretch out and attempt to pull and grab a creature within 15 feet. |
Undead scourgeLOKL | 7 | L | 350 gp | +1 striking disrupting dagger | You disrupt the undead’s connection to negative energy. |
Greater blast lanceOATSG | 8 | 2 | 500 gp | +1 striking lance | You fire a blast of gunpowder through the weapon that deals 2d8 fire damage. |
Breath blasterGG | 8 | 2 | 500 gp | +1 striking blunderbuss | You fire the breath blaster, dealing 4d6 damage of the appropriate type in the appropriate area. |
Duelist’s beaconLOTGB | 8 | L | 450 gp | +1 striking shield spikes | You activate the shield’s inner light. |
EclipseAA-02 | 8 | L | 450 gp | +1 returning striking cold iron starknife | Eclipse’s blades glow like starlit night sky, causing it to shed light as a torch until you deactivate it as a single action, which has the concentrate trait. |
Flaying knifeTS | 8 | 1 | 480 gp | +1 striking wounding dagger | - |
Gray princeLOH | 8 | 1 | 500 gp | +1 striking ruinous hand cannon (Guns & Gears 151) is by far their most popular design. | You fire a bolt of negative energy, dealing 2d8 negative damage to all creatures in a 60 foot line (DC 24 basic Reflex saving throw). |
Habu’s cudgelST-02 | 8 | 1 | 415 gp | +1 striking fearsome club | You gesture at a square within 40 feet with Habu’s Cudgel. |
Hundred-moth caressSM | 8 | 2 | 475 gp | +1 striking scythe | You deal 1d10 negative damage to yourself. |
JaxOACQ | 8 | 1 | — | +1 weapon potency rune and striking rune, until her wielder redeems themself. | Jax casts heroism on you. |
MindlanceTV | 8 | 2 | 500 gp | +1 striking arquebus | - |
Spiritsight crossbowAPG | 8 | 2 | 450 gp | +1 striking ghost touch crossbow | You aim through the crossbow’s crystalline lenses, gaining imprecise vision onto the Ethereal Plane with a range of 60 feet in addition to your normal senses for the rest of your turn. |
Vampire-fang morningstarTV | 8 | 1 | 500 gp | +1 striking wounding morningstar | The vampire-fang morningstar absorbs blood from the target, healing the wielder for 10 Hit Points. |
Vine whipTV | 8 | 1 | 500 gp | +1 striking whip | You Release the weapon and plant it in the ground, where it takes root and fights on its own against the last enemy you attacked or the nearest enemy to it if your target has been defeated. |
Crimson brandLOCG | 9 | 1 | 700 gp | +1 striking wounding bastard sword | - |
Devil’s tridentLOMM | 9 | 1 | 100 gp | +1 striking returning trident | The target must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or become infected with sewer haze (Gamemastery Guide 119). |
ErraticannonOATSG | 9 | 1 | 700 gp | +1 striking hand cannon | You set the erraticannon to maximum power and unleash a blast that deals 1d6 acid, 1d6 cold, 1d6 electricity, 1d6 fire, 1d6 sonic, 1d6 bludgeoning, 1d6 piercing, and 1d6 slashing damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 25 basic Reflex save). |
Gloom blade | 9 | L | 700 gp | +1 shortsword, but if you improve it beyond a +2 striking shortsword | - |
Growth gunGG | 9 | 2 | 700 gp | +1 striking hand cannon | Make a ranged Strike. |
Reaper’s crescentTV | 9 | L | 575 gp | +1 striking sickle | - |
Sanguine klarTV | 9 | 1 | 650 gp | +2 greater striking wounding klar | The sanguine klar regains a number of Hit Points equal to the bleed damage, up to an amount equal to its Hardness. |
Screech shooterGG | 9 | 2 | 700 gp | +2 greater striking harmona gun | The screech shooter unleashes a frightening wail. |
Skeletal clawBL-03 | 9 | L | 1,250 gp | +1 striking tekko-kagi | The triggering undead creature has 10 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 minute. |
Sonic tuning maceSM | 9 | L | 700 gp | +2 greater striking thundering light mace | You tap the tuning mace against a nearby surface to cast 4th-level sound burst with a DC of 25. |
SpellenderST-02 | 9 | L | 600 gp | +1 striking returning dagger | The dagger casts a 4th-level dispel magic targeting the most powerful spell effect affecting the creature you critically hit. |
Greater spider gunGG | 9 | 2 | 1,400 gp | +1 striking weapon. | You fire a mass of webbing at a square within 30 feet. |
Vashu’s ninth lifeSG-03 | 9 | 1 | 700 gp | +1 striking ghost touch katana | You extend your senses through the blade, allowing you to react to nearby movement. |
Vine of rosesLOTGB | 9 | 1 | 600 gp | +1 striking disrupting spiked chain | You hold the chain out before you, and the weapon glows as bright as a torch. |
Whip of complianceEC-02 | 9 | 1 | 3,000 gp | +1 striking whip | Until the end of your current turn, any animals you Strike with the whip must attempt a DC 25 Will save. |
Grounding spikeTV | 10 | 1 | 950 gp | +1 striking thundering dancer’s spear | - |
Immolation clan pistolGG | 10 | 1 | — | +2 status bonus to Intimidation checks and the immolation hand cannon becomes a +2 striking flaming hand cannon | You allow yourself to become partially possessed by the immolated spirit bound to the hand cannon. |
North wind’s night verseSM | 10 | 1 | 900 gp | +1 striking frost katana | Choose one creature dealt cold damage by the spell. |
Pact-bound pistolGG | 10 | L | — | +2 striking greater fearsome dueling pistol | - |
Polarizing maceTV | 10 | L | 950 gp | +1 striking shock light mace | A great surge of electricity connects your paired weapons. |
South wind’s scorch songSM | 10 | 1 | 900 gp | +1 striking flaming scimitar | You gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed until the end of your next turn. |
Buzzsaw axeSM | 11 | 1 | 1,400 gp | +3 major striking battle axe | You hurl the axe, which spins at great speed as it flies to a distant point and returns to you, leaving a trail of carnage. |
Clockwork shieldTV | 11 | 1 | 1,300 gp | +3 greater striking shield spikes | The shield’s gears begin to spin, subtly adjusting the shield’s position as you fight. |
Dezullon fountainTV | 11 | 1 | 1,300 gp | +2 striking air repeater | The next creature you successfully Strike with this weapon is exposed to amnesia venom. |
Gloaming arcBL-03 | 11 | 1 | 1,250 gp | +2 striking scimitar | Attempt a melee Strike with the gloaming arc. |
Gloaming shardSM | 11 | L | 1,400 gp | +2 striking returning dagger | You make a thrown Strike with the gloaming shard at a target within 60 feet. |
Hex blasterOATSG | 11 | 2 | 1,400 gp | +2 striking fearsome arquebus | You afflict a creature you can see with a hex of impending doom. |
Lumber lord’s axeSG-04 | 11 | 1 | 900 gp | +2 striking cold iron | You polish and sharpen the axe, after which its scent grows even more powerful and the axe’s blade transforms into your choice of standard-grade adamantine or standard-grade mithral for 1 hour; then after this duration, the woodcutter’s axe reverts to cold iron. |
Nightmare cudgelAE-05 | 11 | 1 | 1,000 gp | +1 striking club | You initiate an intimidating walk, thumping the cudgel menacingly against your palm. |
Oathbow | 11 | 2 | 1,300 gp | +2 striking composite longbow | You swear an oath to destroy one creature you can see. |
Rat-catcher tridentLOGM | 11 | 1 | 1,200 gp | +2 striking trident | While floating down a river on a raft or boat, you plunge the rat-catcher trident into the water. |
Reaper’s graspGG | 11 | 2 | — | +2 striking arquebus | You channel the necromantic energy of a soul stored in the weapon into your next attack, increasing the attack’s destructive power. |
Redeemer’s pistolOATSG | 11 | L | 1,400 gp | +2 striking dueling pistol | The protective spirit within the gun imposes a vision of redemption in your foe’s mind. |
Rime foilTV | 11 | L | 1,400 gp | +2 striking frost rapier | You cast 5th-level phantom prison on the target (DC 22 Will to disbelieve). |
Sensei’s parasolSG-04 | 11 | 1 | 1,400 gp | +2 striking bo staff | You cause the metal slats of the parasol to open up, transforming it into a moderate sturdy shield (Hardness 13, HP 104 [BT 51]). |
Shattered planTV | 11 | 1 | 1,400 gp | +2 striking impactful boomerang | - |
Spore sapEC-04 | 11 | L | 1,250 gp | +2 striking sap | The spore sap releases a puff of stupefying fungal spores. |
Stoneraiser javelinEC-04 | 11 | L | 1,200 gp | +2 striking returning javelin | You hurl the stoneraiser javelin at an unoccupied space within 30 feet. |
Tiger’s clawGG | 11 | 1 | 1,400 gp | +2 striking fearsome dueling pistol (Advanced Player’s Guide 260) is made from fine tigerwood, with the head of a tiger as the muzzle. | You capitalize on the fears your firearm engenders, terrifying your foes. |
Blink bladeLOF | 12 | L | 1,750 gp | +2 striking dagger | You cast dimension door. |
Dragonfire halfbowSG-04 | 12 | 1 | 1800 gp | +2 striking composite shortbow | You draw the bow back to its maximum draw length without nocking an arrow, and as you release the string, the dragonfire halfbow casts fireball (heightened to 5thlevel; DC 29 Reflex save), targeted at a point of your choosing within the spell’s range. |
Four-tiger bladeSG-04 | 12 | 1 | 2,000 gp | +2 striking ghost touch longsword | Attempt a Strike against a creature you believe to be possessed. |
Four-ways dogslicerAPG | 12 | L | 1,700 gp | +2 striking dogslicer | You twist the gem along the blade corresponding with the desired weapon rune: red for flaming, blue for frost, or yellow for shock. |
Jawbreaker shieldEC-04 | 12 | 1 | 1,650 gp | +1 striking shield spikes | You make a shield bash Strike as a reaction against the attacker. |
Scarlet queenLOH | 12 | 1 | 2,000 gp | +2 striking flaming hammer gun | You fire a blast of magically disruptive energy at an unattended magical object. |
Thundering fury dadaoSG-04 | 12 | 2 | 2,000 gp | +2 striking thundering greatsword | You infuse the thundering fury dadao with the speed of lightning and the force of thunder. |
Tidal fishhookLOMM | 12 | 1 | 1,700 gp | +2 greater striking returning combat grapnel (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 81) takes the form of a fishhook made of scavenged bones and stone with a cord of braided water. | A tidal fishhook can travel between bodies of water to strike distant foes. |
Anchor spearEC-05 | 13 | 1 | 2,800 gp | +2 greater striking longspear | The anchor spear extends into a +2 greater striking longspear or back to its original form as a +2 greater striking spear. |
AnkylostarEC-04 | 13 | 1 | 2,800 gp | +2 greater striking greatclub | The ankylostar grows and transforms into a +2 greater striking greatclub, but it retains the versatile (piercing) trait of a morningstar. |
Greater blade byrnieTV | 13 | 1 | 3,000 gp | +2 resilient chain shirt. | You pull a link from the armor, which transforms into a +1 striking dagger. |
Blade of four energiesSM | 13 | L | 3,000 gp | +3 greater striking shifting shortsword | You draw magical energy from one of the gems. |
Dragontooth clubTV | 13 | 2 | 3,000 gp | +2 greater striking leiomano | You swing the leiomano, sending several of the dragon teeth shooting through the air on jets of energy. |
Duchy defenderGG | 13 | 1 | — | +2 flaming greater striking flintlock musket | The duchy defender focuses its will on a single target it can see and who it knows is guilty of committing a crime within Alkenstar’s borders. |
Dwarven thrower | 13 | 1 | 2,750 gp | +2 striking warhammer | - |
Flame tongue | 13 | 1 | 2,800 gp | +3 greater striking greater flaming longsword | You cast the produce flame cantrip from the sword as a 7th-level arcane spell, using your melee attack modifier with flametongue as your spell attack modifier. |
Knight captain’s lanceLOKL | 13 | 2 | 3,000 gp | +2 disrupting greater striking lance | You raise the lance, inspiring those around you. |
Pistol of wonderGG | 13 | L | 3,000 gp | +2 greater striking flintlock pistol | Choose a creature within 60 feet and roll a percentile die on the table below to determine the pistol’s effect. |
Piston gauntletsTV | 13 | L | 2,800 gp | +2 greater striking flaming pantograph gauntlet | You supercharge the gauntlet’s attack. |
Greater screech shooterGG | 13 | 2 | 3,000 gp | +2 greater striking harmona gun | The screech shooter unleashes a frightening wail. |
Greater sonic tuning maceSM | 13 | L | 3,000 gp | +2 greater striking thundering light mace | You tap the tuning mace against a nearby surface to cast 4th-level sound burst with a DC of 25. |
Spark dancerTV | 13 | L | 2,900 gp | +2 greater striking pepperbox | The spark dancer casts either fireball or lightning bolt, depending on whether the current core would deal fire or electricity damage, as a 7th-level arcane spell (DC 30). |
Greater tentacle cannonGG | 13 | 2 | 2,000 gp | +3 greater striking weapon. | You cause one of the tentacles forming the weapon’s five barrels to stretch out and attempt to pull and grab a creature within 15 feet. |
Vampiric scytheLOTGB | 13 | 2 | 3,000 gp | +2 greater striking wounding scythe | As the scythe leaves your hand, it drinks the triggering creature’s blood. |
Blessed reformerTV | 14 | 1 | 4,500 gp | +2 greater striking merciful mithral warhammer | You hold your weapon aloft, calling on righteousness to steel your resolve. |
Greater breath blasterGG | 14 | 2 | 4,500 gp | +1 striking blunderbuss | You fire the breath blaster, dealing 4d6 damage of the appropriate type in the appropriate area. |
Brilliant rapierLOTGB | 14 | L | 4,500 gp | +2 brilliant greater striking rapier | - |
Deepdread clawLOL | 14 | 1 | 4,000 gp | +2 greater striking spear | You establish a telepathic link with someone else wielding a deepdread claw, enabling you to telepathically communicate with the creature while they possess the deepdread claw regardless of distance, so long as you remain on the same plane. |
Glaive of the artistLOGM | 14 | 2 | 4,000 gp | +2 holy greater striking glaive | You furl one of the colored tails around the pole, causing the glaive to gain the effects of your choice of the corrosive, flaming, frost, shocking, or thundering property runes for 1 round, depending on the tail you chose. |
Highhelm war shieldLOH | 14 | 1 | – | +2 greater striking weapon. | The shield’s blades grow and dig themselves into your foe. |
Holy avenger | 14 | 1 | 4,500 gp | +2 greater striking holy cold iron longsword | You command the sword and point it at a creature you can see. |
Ouroboros flailSM | 14 | 2 | 4,400 gp | +3 major striking greater extending war flail | The head of the flail wraps around the target of the triggering Strike and drags it in your direction. |
Greater sanguine klarTV | 14 | 1 | 3,700 gp | +2 greater striking wounding klar | The sanguine klar regains a number of Hit Points equal to the bleed damage, up to an amount equal to its Hardness. |
Singing shortbowSM | 14 | 1 | 4,500 gp | +3 greater striking greater thundering composite shortbow | You sing, hum, or whistle a note, and your bow provides appropriate accompaniment. |
Skyrider swordLOTGB | 14 | 1 | 4,500 gp | +3 greater striking greater shock greatsword | You leap upon your sword as it soars through the air for up to 10 minutes. |
StargazerTV | 14 | L | 6,500 gp | +2 greater striking returning club | - |
Storm flash | 14 | 1 | 4,000 gp | +3 greater striking greater shock rapier | You cast a 6th-level lightning bolt (DC 33). |
Animate dreamerGG | 15 | 2 | — | +2 greater striking spell-storing | The animate dreamer casts its stored spell at a target that meets the requirements. |
Black kingLOH | 15 | 2 | 6,250 gp | +2 greater striking ashen blunderbuss | You unleash a blast of draining flame, dealing 5d6 fire damage and 5d6 negative damage to all creatures in a 60 foot cone (DC 34 basic Reflex save). |
Blade of the black sovereignLOL | 15 | 2 | 6,500 gp | +2 greater striking shock greatsword | You cast the electric arc cantrip from the sword as an 8th-level primal spell, using 10 + your melee attack modifier with the Blade of the Black Sovereign as your spell DC. |
Blade of the rabbit princeAE-04 | 15 | 1 | 6,250 gp | +2 greater striking dancing shortsword | You attempt to Trip or Disarm an opponent using Thievery instead of Athletics, and you add the blade of the Rabbit Prince’s item bonus to the check. |
Greater buzzsaw axeSM | 15 | 1 | 6,250 gp | +3 major striking battle axe | You hurl the axe, which spins at great speed as it flies to a distant point and returns to you, leaving a trail of carnage. |
Godsbreath bowLOMM | 15 | 1 | 6,500 gp | +2 greater striking composite shortbow | You make a ranged Strike. |
Golden blade of mzaliST-04 | 15 | 1 | 6,500 gp | +2 greater striking returning spear | You call upon the spear’s light to guide the creature away from violence. |
Hyldarf’s fangGG | 15 | 1 | — | +2 greater striking hand cannon | You call upon Hyldarf’s power to gain the magic of a linnorm for a brief time. |
Mountebank’s passageGG | 15 | 1 | — | +2 greater striking flintlock pistol | You pull the soapstone trigger. |
Petrification cannonGG | 15 | 2 | 6,500 gp | +2 greater striking double-barreled musket | beam of coiling energy leaps from the petrification cannon at a target within 60 feet. |
Radiant lanceLOCG | 15 | 2 | 5,750 gp | +2 greater striking holy flaming silver lance | You point the lance at a foe and call out, firing a beam with the effects of a 7th-level searing light. |
Rod of razorsPKAP-PG | 15 | 2 | 1,300 gp | +2 adamantine greater striking halberd | You fire a razor-sharp flechette from the rod of razors. |
Silkspinner’s shieldLOTGB | 15 | L | 6,000 gp | +2 greater striking shield spikes | You animate the silkspinner’s shield. |
Major spider gunGG | 15 | 2 | 6,500 gp | +1 striking weapon. | You fire a mass of webbing at a square within 30 feet. |
Frost brand | 16 | 2 | 10,000 gp | +2 greater striking greater frost greatsword | You swing the frost brand into the area of an ongoing magical fire, and the blade attempts to counteract the fire with a counteract modifier of +27. |
Rowan rifleGG | 16 | 2 | — | +2 greater fearsome speed greater striking (Advanced Player’s Guide 260) advanced firearm with a range of increment of 300 feet. | You will the Rowan Rifle to change the energy it fires from the white-hot energy of summer that glows like a star to the shivering chill of winter, the crackling electricity of the storm, or even the sonic vibrations of a roar. |
Celestial peachwood swordBD | 17 | L | 15,000 gp | +3 greater striking disrupting holy peachwood shortsword | The creature must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude save or be destroyed. |
Greater flame tongue | 17 | 1 | 13,800 gp | +3 greater striking greater flaming longsword | You cast the produce flame cantrip from the sword as a 7th-level arcane spell, using your melee attack modifier with flametongue as your spell attack modifier. |
Luck blade | 17 | L | 15,000 gp | +3 greater striking shortsword | Reroll the triggering attack roll and use the new result. |
Greater ouroboros flailSM | 17 | 2 | 15,000 gp | +3 major striking greater extending war flail | The head of the flail wraps around the target of the triggering Strike and drags it in your direction. |
Major screech shooterGG | 17 | 2 | 15,000 gp | +2 greater striking harmona gun | The screech shooter unleashes a frightening wail. |
SpellcutterST-05 | 17 | 1 | 15,000 gp | +2 greater striking adamantine longsword | Spellcutter attempts to absorb the magic of the triggering spell, giving you a +4 status bonus to your and saves against the effect. |
Major tentacle cannonGG | 17 | 2 | 15,000 gp | +3 greater striking weapon. | You cause one of the tentacles forming the weapon’s five barrels to stretch out and attempt to pull and grab a creature within 15 feet. |
Greater blade of four energiesSM | 18 | L | 20,000 gp | +3 greater striking shifting shortsword | You draw magical energy from one of the gems. |
Major breath blasterGG | 18 | 2 | 24,000 gp | +1 striking blunderbuss | You fire the breath blaster, dealing 4d6 damage of the appropriate type in the appropriate area. |
Greater clockwork shieldTV | 18 | 1 | 22,000 gp | +3 greater striking shield spikes | The shield’s gears begin to spin, subtly adjusting the shield’s position as you fight. |
Final restBD | 18 | 1 | 24,000 gp | +3 greater disrupting greater striking silver longsword | You hold the sword aloft, making it cast sunburst (DC 38 Reflex save). |
Life’s last breathEC-05 | 18 | 2 | 23,500 gp | +3 greater striking unholy wounding rhoka sword | You cast a 9th-level paralyze spell on the target. |
Shadow’s heartCKK | 18 | L | 23,000 gp | +3 greater striking kukri | You make a melee Strike with shadow’s heart and teleport to an open space you can see within 100 feet. |
Greater singing shortbowSM | 18 | 1 | 22,500 gp | +3 greater striking greater thundering composite shortbow | You sing, hum, or whistle a note, and your bow provides appropriate accompaniment. |
Greater storm flash | 18 | 1 | 21,000 gp | +3 greater striking greater shock rapier | You cast a 6th-level lightning bolt (DC 33). |
Torag’s silver anvilLOGM | 18 | 2 | 24,000 gp | +3 holy greater flaming greater striking silver meteor hammer | - |
Major blade byrnieTV | 19 | 1 | 35,000 gp | +2 resilient chain shirt. | You pull a link from the armor, which transforms into a +1 striking dagger. |
Wishing luck blade | 19 | L | 30,000 gp | +3 greater striking shortsword | Reroll the triggering attack roll and use the new result. |
Mattock of the titans | 19 | 16 | 36,000 gp | +3 greater striking keen adamantine great pick | You dig furiously with the mattock to non-magically replicate the effects of an earthquake spell. |
Sky-piercing bowFRP-02 | 19 | L | 40,000 gp | +3 greater striking ghost touch composite shortbow | You shoot an arrow at an open space on a surface within 500 feet and momentarily vanish into a wind that carries the arrow. |
Greater skyrider swordLOTGB | 19 | 1 | 32,000 gp | +3 greater striking greater shock greatsword | You leap upon your sword as it soars through the air for up to 10 minutes. |
Starfall shieldTV | 19 | 1 | 23,000 gp | +3 greater striking shield boss | You Stride up to three times. |
BriarPKAP-PG | 20 | 1 | — | +4 major striking shifting cold iron vorpal bastard sword | Briar casts barkskin on its partner. |
Major buzzsaw axeSM | 20 | 1 | 65,000 gp | +3 major striking battle axe | You hurl the axe, which spins at great speed as it flies to a distant point and returns to you, leaving a trail of carnage. |
Final bladeLOWG | 20 | 40 | - | +3 major striking vorpal scythe | You execute a creature restrained beneath the blade. |
Final bladeNGD | 20 | 40 | – | +3 major striking vorpal scythe | You execute a creature restrained beneath the blade. |
Kaldemash’s lamentTV | 20 | L | – | +3 major striking speed | You adjust the damage that Kaldemash’s Lament deals before firing. |
Orb shardAA-06 | 20 | — | — | +3 striking shortsword | - |
Major ouroboros flailSM | 20 | 2 | 65,000 gp | +3 major striking greater extending war flail | The head of the flail wraps around the target of the triggering Strike and drags it in your direction. |
Phoenix fighting fanFRP-01 | 20 | L | — | +3 greater striking flaming silver fighting fan (Pathfinder Lost Omens: Gods & Magic 120) features sharp silver feathers instead of traditional paper leaves in its design. | You call upon the fan’s extradimensional powers to trap a creature in Hao Jin’s repository, a small demiplane that holds the countless relics Hao Jin collected over her lifetime (though a trapped creature cannot interact with any of these relics). |
RidillLOMM | 20 | 4 | — | +3 major striking dragon bane speed adamantine greatsword | - |
Shield of the unified legionEC-06 | 20 | L | 70,000 gp | +3 major striking shield boss | You heft the shield and thrust it forward, causing ephemeral reflections of the shield to surround you and then rush outward in a 90-foot line or 60-foot cone (your choice). |
Sky hammer | 20 | 1 | 70,000 gp | +3 major striking flaming shock orichalcum warhammer | A 6th-level arcane fireball spell explodes, centered on the sky hammer. |
Spear of the destroyer’s flameLOMM | 20 | 3 | — | +3 major striking greater flaming returning speed longspear | You attempt to tie your soul to the spear. |
The rabbit princeSF-01 | 20 | — | – | +2 striking weapon. | Reroll the triggering Strike with a +1 status bonus. |
Blade of fallen starsLOH | 22 | 2; Category martial | – | +4 major striking greater frost gun sword | You unfold the parrying hooks extending from the blade to form a bipod, which has the same benefits as a typical tripod. |
Cane of the maelstromAE-06 | 22 | L | — | +3 anarchic greater striking club | You draw a temporary shield of chaotic turbulence with a cerulean flash. |
Kortos diamondEC-06 | 22 | 1 | — | +3 major striking axiomatic spell-storing longsword | You attempt a melee Strike with the Kortos Diamond against a creature within reach. |
Spiral athameBL-06 | 22 | L | — | +4 major striking disruptive ghost touch | You point the Spiral Athame at a corpse within 30 feet, shielding it from corruption. |
Coldstar pistolsTV | 23 | 1 | – | +3 greater striking greater flaming dueling pistol | You switch the Coldstar Pistols from one form to the other. |
Ghosthand’s cometTV | 23 | 2 | – | +4 major striking beast‑bane | For the triggering Strike, Ghosthand’s Comet changes its damage type to your choice of acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. |
Hunter’s dawnEC-06 | 23 | 1 | — | +3 greater striking speed ghost touch club | The target is marked. |
SerithtialGG | 23 | 1 | — | +4 major striking holy bastard sword | Serithtial spends the appropriate number of actions and casts a 9th level heal or zone of truth spell (DC 45 for either of the two spells). |
BlackaxeB1 | 25 | 2 | — | +4 greater corrosive major striking obsidian greataxe | You sense the world around Blackaxe as though you were in its location and can use any of your innate spells through the link as if it were the source of the spell. |
Cayden’s tankardTV | 25 | L | – | +4 major striking hopeful returning light hammer | Calmly swigging a drink on the battlefield turns your foe’s attempt to frighten you against them. |
Axe of the dwarven lordsGG | 26 | 3 | — | +4 major striking keen returning speed dwarven waraxe | The axe casts a 10th‑level summon elemental spell to conjure an elite elemental avalanche (Bestiary 6, 147). |
Whisperer of soulsTV | 28 | 2 | – | +4 major striking greater brilliant keen glaive | You choose whether the Strike deals lethal or nonlethal damage. |