Pathfinder 2 easy Library





Price 0; Bulk 1; Hands 1;

Damage 1d6 B; thrown 10 ft.

This is a piece of stout wood shaped or repurposed to bludgeon an enemy. Clubs can be intricately carved pieces of martial art or as simple as a tree branch or piece of wood.

Critical Specialization Effect (Club) You knock the target away from you up to 10 feet (you choose the distance). This is forced movement (page 475).

You can find the following magic clubs:

Specific Magic clubs
Magic WeaponsLevelBulkPriceMagic RunesMagic Activation Effect
Habu’s cudgelST-02 8 1 415 gp +1 striking fearsome You gesture at a square within 40 feet with Habu’s Cudgel.
Nightmare cudgelAE-05 11 1 1,000 gp +1 striking You initiate an intimidating walk, thumping the cudgel menacingly against your palm.
Cane of the maelstromAE-06 22 L +3 anarchic greater striking You draw a temporary shield of chaotic turbulence with a cerulean flash.
Hunter’s dawnEC-06 23 1 +3 greater striking speed ghost touch The target is marked.