Pathfinder 2 easy Library





The world is full of the unexplainable: ancient magic, dead gods, and even stranger things. In response, you’ve scavenged the best parts of every magical tradition and built up a collection of esoterica—a broken holy relic here, a sprig of mistletoe there—that you can use to best any creature by exploiting their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. The mystic implement you carry is both badge and weapon, its symbolic weight helping you bargain with and subdue the supernatural. Every path to power has its restrictions and costs, but you turn them all to your advantage. You’re a thaumaturge, and you work wonders.



At 1st level, your class gives you an ability boost to Charisma.


8 plus your Constitution modifier

You increase your maximum number of HP by this number at 1st level and every level thereafter.


You use your implements and diverse arsenal of mystic tools and tricks to assist in combat, always presenting the right bane to exploit enemies’ weaknesses or shield your allies against the supernatural.


You understand and nudge the social connections between people, much as you strive to understand the larger ties between mysteries and concepts. This helps you to find common ground when negotiating between the mundane and supernatural or even to play one side against the other.


You investigate unexplainable phenomena around you, taking appropriate precautions to ward yourself and your allies against paranormal threats.

Where necessary, you create your own path through the unknown.


You research deeper into the supernatural mysteries you discovered on your last adventure to see how they can be applied in the future. You dust off relics, cultivate herbs, or forge trinkets, updating your collection of scavenged supernatural tools after each new threat you encounter. You return or call in favors with other people, strange creatures, and mystical forces.


  • Prepare for the worst while improvising as necessary, impressing your allies when you’re able to handle anything that fate throws at you.
  • Assume everything is connected on a deeper level, rather than be content with what you find on the surface.
  • Obsess over a certain supernatural phenomenon, attempting to tie everything back to it.


  • Look to you to learn the weaknesses of a supernatural threat when one rears its head. Even when your explanations are invented on the fly, they just seem to work.
  • Rely on you to come up with a solution when the situation seems hopeless.
  • Mistake you for a common wizard or magician.
U T E Proficiency in
U T E Proficiency in
U T E Proficiency in
    Arcana, Nature, Occultism, and Religion
    a number of additional skills equal to 3 plus your Intelligence modifier
U T E Proficiency in
    simple weapons
    martial weapons
    unarmed attacks
U T E Proficiency in
    light armor
    medium armor
    unarmored defense
U T E Proficiency in
    thaumaturge class DC
Level Ancestry
1         ancestry and background, esoteric lore, first implement and esoterica, implement’s empowerment
3        lightning reflexes
5       second implement, thaumaturge weapon expertise
7        implement adept, resolve, weapon specialization
9         intensify vulnerability, thaumaturgic expertise, vigilant senses
11        medium armor expertise, second adept
13         greater resolve, weapon mastery
15      greater weapon specialization, juggernaut, third implement
17         implement paragon, thaumaturgic mastery
19        medium armor mastery, unlimited esoterica
Level 1 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Ammunition ThaumaturgyDA You’re so used to handling your implement, weapon, and esoterica in the heat of combat that adding a few bullets or arrows to the mix is no extra burden.
Diverse LoreDA Your wandering studies mean you’ve heard rumors or theories about almost every topic.
Divine Disharmony DA divine, enchantment, esoterica, manipulate From your collection of religious trinkets, you pull out opposing divine objects—such as the religious symbols of two deities that are hated enemies—and combine them in a display that causes discordant clashes of divine energy that are especially distracting to the faithful.
FamiliarDA Whether by following occult rituals, piecing together scraps of arcane theory, or some other method, you’ve called forth a creature that now serves as your constant companion in your studies of the supernatural.
Haunt IngenuityDA divination, divine Your cunning knowledge grants you the ability to notice the emotional echo of a soul that passed on, leaving a haunt in its wake.
Root to Life OR DA esoterica, manipulate, necromancy, primal Marigold, spider lily, pennyroyal—many primal traditions connect flowers and plants with the boundary between life and death, and you can leverage this association to keep an ally on this side of the line.
Scroll ThaumaturgyDA Your multidisciplinary study of magic means you know how to activate the magic in scrolls with ease.
Level 2 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Call Implement DA arcane, conjuration, manipulate, teleportation You can tug on the bonds of ownership between yourself and your implement, causing it to find its way back to you.
Enhanced FamiliarDA a familiar By applying the best of multiple traditions of magic, you’ve found a more efficient way for your familiar to store its energy.
Esoteric WardenDA Exploit Vulnerability When you apply antithetical material against a creature successfully, you also ward yourself against its next attacks.
Talisman EsotericaDA esoterica You know how to assemble the supernatural objects in your esoterica into a number of temporary talismans.
Turn Away Misfortune DA abjuration, esoterica, fortune, manipulate, occult You perform a superstition, such as casting salt over your shoulder to ward off bad luck.
Level 4 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Breached DefensesDA Exploit Vulnerability You can find the one weak point in a creature’s scales, wards, or armor to get past its resistances.
Devil’s EyeDA aftermath You made a bargain with a devil or won a legal case or other similar duel of wits against a devil. Your experience in the finer points of bargaining with a devil has awakened a sinister power that now inhabits your left eye.
Echo of the FallenDA aftermath You helped to lay a haunt, ghost, or spirit to rest. With the utmost gratitude for your help in releasing them from their unearthly coil, a tiny sliver of a ghostly entity has remained attached to you.
Instructive Strike DA You attack your foe and analyze how it reacts.
Lingering ChillDA aftermath, cold You’ve been brought to 0 Hit Points by an enemy that has the cold trait or an enemy’s ability that has the cold trait. The chill of ice entered your veins and never left, adjusting the internal temperature of your body.
Paired LinkDA divination, esoterica, fortune, occult You break a trinket such as a lodestone or jade pendant in two, creating a sympathetic link between the halves that bridges distance.
Thaumaturgic RitualistDA Your studies into the supernatural have resulted in an especially strong knowledge of rituals.
Level 6 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Elysium’s CadenceDA aftermath You’ve partied extensively with an azata or entered a romantic relationship with an azata. You’ve been ensnared by an azata’s infectious enthusiasm for life, love, and freedom that manifests as a pearlescent afterimage in your graceful movements, a spring in your soft steps, an ever-present melody in your euphonic voice, and eddies of passionate colors in your mesmerizing eyes.
Jelly BodyDA aftermath, magical, transmutation You’ve been reduced to 0 Hit Points while engulfed by an ooze. Some of the ooze that surrounded you made its way permanently into parts of your body, turning you soft to the touch and semitransparent enough to show bones.
One More ActivationDA You’ve forged a deeper bond to your invested items, allowing you to activate them more than usual.
Scroll EsotericaDA esoterica Scroll Thaumaturgy Your esoterica includes scraps of scriptures, magic tomes, druidic markings, and the like, which you can use to create temporary scrolls.
Sympathetic VulnerabilitiesDA Exploit Vulnerability, mortal weakness or personal antithesis When you apply your will to invoke a vulnerability, the result is more powerful, and the vulnerability ripples out in a web from your main target to affect a broader range of creatures.
Level 8 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Cursed Effigy DA curse, esoterica Exploit Vulnerability After your attack, you grab a bit of blood, cut hair, or other piece of the creature’s body.
Elaborate Talisman EsotericaDA Talisman Esoterica As you continue to collect talismanic esoterica, you improve your ability to create temporary talismans.
Incredible FamiliarDA Enhanced Familiar By taking the best parts of each magical tradition, you’ve found a way to grant your familiar even more abilities than other familiars.
Know-It-AllDA Having heard every rumor or story in the book, you know that if you’ve heard of something in the first place, you’ve probably heard about it at length.
Level 10 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Gift of the HoardDA aftermath, magical, transmutation You have succeeded at an important task given by a dragon, such as procuring a special treasure for their hoard. In pleasing the cravings of a mighty dragon, they have deigned to impart some of their magical essence into your body.
Glass SkinOATSG abjuration, aftermath You were present at the death of the medusa Alethsia, whose vitrumantic powers were passed on to you in the wake of her destruction. Even if vitrumancy is a mystery to you, your blood and flesh know the secrets of the art of arcane glass.
Share Weakness DA esoterica, manipulate Exploit Vulnerability, mortal weakness You select an object from your esoterica that has great personal value to you, such as a locket or treasured ring, and you grant it to an ally, establishing a personal link that allows your ally to affect an enemy as if they were you.
Siphon Life DA aftermath, flourish, magical, necromancy, negative You’ve been reduced to 0 Hit Points by an enemy with the negative trait. Experiences with necromantic energy have left a permanent mark on you, casting you in a deathlike pallor, chilling your body temperature to be ice-cold, turning your very blood black, and giving you the power to rip out an enemy’s life force.
Thaumaturge’s InvestitureDA Charisma 16 Magical equipment and gear are the tools of your trade, and you know you need as many as possible to help you against the supernatural.
Twin Weakness DA esoterica mortal weakness or personal antithesis As you make an attack augmented by your esoterica, you also press your implement against the creature, applying its weakness as your implement’s energies sear the creature’s flesh.
Level 12 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Elaborate Scroll EsotericaDA Scroll Esoterica You’ve picked up more scraps of magic texts, improving your makeshift scrolls.
Intensify Investiture DA Your bond to your invested items enables you to put more of yourself into them.
Petrified SkinDA aftermath, transmutation You have been petrified by an enemy. It might have been a medusa, dracolisk, or even a fossil golem; regardless of the source, you were the target of some petrifying effect, and an element of that stony gaze has remained with you, both protecting and slowly consuming you.
Shared WardingDA Esoteric Warden You ward your allies from the attacks of your foes whenever you apply those protections to yourself.
Thaumaturge’s DemesneDA abjuration, arcane You have claimed an area or location as your demesne, granting you the ability to ward and protect it.
Level 14 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Dormant EruptionDA aftermath, fire You’ve been brought to 0 Hit Points by an enemy that has the fire trait or an enemy’s ability that has the fire trait. A sweltering heat and sparks of flame that take the form of tiny copies of you surround your body.
Esoteric ReflexesDA an implement that grants a reaction Your bond to your implements is so strong that you can use their reactive abilities almost by instinct.
Grand Talisman EsotericaDA Talisman Esoterica You’ve completed your journey in studying esoteric talismans, gaining the ability to place multiple talismans on an item.
Sink and SwimDA aftermath, water You’ve been brought to 0 Hit Points by an enemy that has the water trait or an enemy’s ability that has the water trait. Your body looks like it’s made of flowing water, clear and pristine, providing a natural grace to all your movements.
Trespass Teleportation DA conjuration, occult, teleportation Exploit Vulnerability You can hunt your foe to the ends of creation.
Level 16 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Fey LifeDA aftermath, healing, necromancy, primal You helped to save a fey from a terrible fate, and you’re not a fey. There are some fates worse than death–and you worked to save a fey from one such fate.
Implement’s FlightDA primal, transmutation By weakening your relation to the ground and strengthening your relation to the sky, you’ve learned to soar through the air, your implement carrying you as surely as any broomstick or pestle.
Seven-Part LinkDA Paired Link Many traditions hold the number seven as significant.
Sever Magic DA abjuration, arcane, esoterica You apply a frayed thread, a pinch of fulu ash, or a similar undone charm to your weapon, and swing to break a spell.
Walk on the WindDA aftermath, air, magical, transmutation You’ve been brought to 0 Hit Points by an enemy that has the air trait or an enemy’s ability that has the air trait. A flighty breeze follows you wherever you go, granting a dramatic flair to everything you do.
Level 18 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Grand Scroll EsotericaDA Elaborate Scroll Esoterica You’ve completed the third and final step in your assimilation of scroll esoterica, granting you daily scrolls of incredible power.
Implement’s Assault DA evocation, magical Your implement supercharges your weapon to shoot an impossible volley or carve through your foes.
Intense ImplementDA You have an exceptional link to your third implement.
Level 20 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Ubiquitous WeaknessDA manipulate Share Weakness You’ve nurtured your bonds with your comrades, allowing you to share the benefits of your esoterica.
Unlimited DemesneDA arcane, conjuration Thaumaturge’s Demesne You can move your demesne here and there, bringing it wherever your journey takes you.
Wonder WorkerDA legendary in Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion The thaumaturge’s path culminates with the working of wonders.