Pathfinder 2 easy Library





Prerequisites Wizard Dedication

You gain your school’s initial school spell. If you don’t already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by studying.

Non School Spells Level Summary
uEfficient apportSM 1 Walking over to an item to pick it up is so much effort.
Abjuration School Spells Level Summary
uProtective ward 1 You emanate a shimmering aura of protective magic.
uEnergy absorption 4 You gain resistance 15 to acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage from the triggering effect (one type of your choice).
Conjuration School Spells Level Summary
uAugment summoning 1 You augment the abilities of a summoned creature.
uDimensional steps 4 You teleport to a location up to 20 feet away within your line of sight.
Divination School Spells Level Summary
uDiviner’s sight 1 You glimpse into the target’s future.
uVigilant eye 4 You create an invisible eye sensor, as clairvoyance (page 324).
Enchantment School Spells Level Summary
uCharming words 1 You whisper enchanting words to deflect your foe’s ire.
uDread aura 4 You emit an aura of terror.
Evocation School Spells Level Summary
uForce bolt 1 You fire an unerring dart of force from your fingertips.
uElemental tempest 4 Your spellcasting surrounds you in a storm of elemental energy.
Illusion School Spells Level Summary
uWarped terrain 1 You create illusory hazards that cover all surfaces in the area (typically the ground).
uInvisibility cloak 4 You become invisible, with the same restrictions as the 2ndlevel invisibility spell.
Necromancy School Spells Level Summary
uCall of the grave 1 You fire a ray of sickening energy.
uLife siphon 4 You use some of the spell’s magic to heal yourself, regaining 1d8 Hit Points per level of the spell.
Transmutation School Spells Level Summary
uPhysical boost 1 You temporarily improve the target’s physique.
uShifting form 4 You gain one of the following abilities of your choice.
Universal School Spells Level Summary
uHand of the apprentice 1 You hurl a held melee weapon with which you are trained at the target, making a spell attack roll.