Pathfinder 2 easy Library





While some fear projectile weapons, you savor the searing flash, wild kick, and cloying smoke that accompanies a gunshot, or snap of the cable and telltale thunk of your crossbow just before your bolt finds purchase. Ready to draw a bead on an enemy at every turn, you rely on your reflexes, steady hand, and knowledge of your weapons to riddle your foes with holes.



At 1st level, your class gives you an ability boost to Dexterity.


8 plus your Constitution modifier

You increase your maximum number of HP by this number at 1st level and every level thereafter.


You strike from range with your firearms, seeking to defeat your opponents before they can pose a true threat. Depending on your choice of weapon, you might prefer to strike your opponent from a hidden position before they ever realize you’re there, dash through a frenzied melee with pistols blazing, or glide effortlessly across the battlefield, waiting for the perfect moment to end the conflict with a single, well-placed shot.


You have a keen eye and can see things coming from farther than most. You might not be the life of the party, but your companions know to pay attention when your subtle nod or concerned grunt indicates that something’s amiss.


You scout the group’s position for incoming threats and help search for secret doors and hidden passages, keeping a weather eye out for unexpected threats.


You might craft ammunition or keep your complex weapons clean and maintained, and you might look for work that matches your unique talents, such as working as a blacksmith, engineer, or part of the local watch. You might wander from town to town, or stay put for a spell to enjoy the silence that lingers between gunfights.


  • Seek out areas of great conflict where your unique choice of weaponry can help build your reputation.
  • Explore new horizons, trusting your honed senses and deadly weapon to keep you safe.
  • Demonstrate extensive knowledge about various types of guns and ammunition, along with curiosity about the latest in gun technology.


  • Assume that since you know how your gun works, you must also understand how to resolve other mechanical challenges.
  • Underestimate you at first glance, thinking you rely on your gun because you lack any other skills.
  • Respect your eternal vigilance, unyielding grit, and excellent aim.
U T E Proficiency in
U T E Proficiency in
U T E Proficiency in
    one or more skills determined by your gunslinger’s way
    a number of additional skills equal to 3 plus your Intelligence modifier
U T E Proficiency in
    simple firearms and crossbows
    martial firearms and crossbows
    advanced firearms and crossbows
    martial weapons
    unarmed attacks
U T E Proficiency in
    light armor
    medium armor
    unarmored defense
U T E Proficiency in
    gunslinger class DC
Level Ancestry
1         ancestry and background, gunslinger’s way, singular expertise
3        stubborn
5       gunslinger weapon mastery
7        vigilant senses, weapon specialization
9         advanced deed, gunslinger expertise
11        evasion
13         gunslinging legend, medium armor expertise
15      greater deed, greater weapon specialization
17         juggernaut, shootist’s edge
19        incredible senses, medium armor mastery
Level 1 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Blast Lock GG attack Sometimes taking the shortest distance between two points involves removing an obstacle or two.
Cover Fire GG You lay down suppressive fire to protect allies by forcing foes to take cover from your wild attacks.
Crossbow Crack ShotGG You have a deep understanding of the crossbow.
Dual-Weapon Reload GG You carry your ammunition in a way that allows you to reload while holding two weapons.
Hit the Dirt! GG You fling yourself out of harm’s way.
Munitions CrafterGG Bullets and bombs can be scarce in some parts, so you’ve learned to make your own.
Sword and PistolGG You’re comfortable wielding a firearm or crossbow in one hand and a melee weapon in the other, combining melee attacks with shots from the firearm.
Level 2 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Defensive ArmamentsGG You use bulky firearms or crossbows to shield your body from your foes’ attacks.
Fake Out GG visual With a skilled flourish of your weapon, you force an enemy to acknowledge you as a threat.
Pistol Twirl GG trained in Deception Your quick gestures and flair for performance distract your opponent, leaving it vulnerable to your follow-up attacks.
Quick Draw GG You draw your weapon and attack with the same motion.
Risky Reload GG flourish You’ve practiced a technique for rapidly reloading your firearm, but attempting to use this technique is a dangerous gamble with your firearm’s functionality.
Warning Shot GG trained in Intimidation Who needs words when the roar of a gun is so much more succinct? You attempt to Demoralize a foe by firing your weapon into the air, using the firearm’s maximum range rather than the usual range of 30 feet.
Level 4 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Alchemical Shot GG You’ve practiced a technique for mixing alchemical bombs with your loaded shot.
Black Powder Boost TO GG You fire your weapon as you jump, using the kickback to go farther.
Devil’s EyeDA aftermath You made a bargain with a devil or won a legal case or other similar duel of wits against a devil. Your experience in the finer points of bargaining with a devil has awakened a sinister power that now inhabits your left eye.
Echo of the FallenDA aftermath You helped to lay a haunt, ghost, or spirit to rest. With the utmost gratitude for your help in releasing them from their unearthly coil, a tiny sliver of a ghostly entity has remained attached to you.
Greenwatch InitiateLOIL trained in Survival You’ve received the basic training developed for all Greenwatch recruits.
Instant Backup GG Even as your firearm misfires, you quickly draw a backup weapon.
Lingering ChillDA aftermath, cold You’ve been brought to 0 Hit Points by an enemy that has the cold trait or an enemy’s ability that has the cold trait. The chill of ice entered your veins and never left, adjusting the internal temperature of your body.
Ostentatious Reload LOF trained in Performance Every good Firebrand knows that style can be as important as substance—so long as you don’t screw up the delivery.
Paired Shots GG Your shots hit simultaneously.
Running Reload GG You can reload your weapon on the move.
Level 6 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Advanced ShooterGG You’ve dedicated your training to the most complex and weird weapons of your favorite group.
Cauterize GG flourish You use the smoking barrel of your firearm to sear shut a bleeding wound.
Defy FeyLOIL Greenwatch Initiate You are keen to the wiles of the fey and can usually shake off their magic.
Drifter’s Juke GG flourish way of the drifter You move in and out of range to complement your attacks.
Elysium’s CadenceDA aftermath You’ve partied extensively with an azata or entered a romantic relationship with an azata. You’ve been ensnared by an azata’s infectious enthusiasm for life, love, and freedom that manifests as a pearlescent afterimage in your graceful movements, a spring in your soft steps, an ever-present melody in your euphonic voice, and eddies of passionate colors in your mesmerizing eyes.
Fey TrackerLOIL Greenwatch Initiate You are exceptionally skilled at noticing the subtle techniques fey use to avoid notice.
Jelly BodyDA aftermath, magical, transmutation You’ve been reduced to 0 Hit Points while engulfed by an ooze. Some of the ooze that surrounded you made its way permanently into parts of your body, turning you soft to the touch and semitransparent enough to show bones.
Munitions MachinistGG Munitions Crafter, expert in Crafting You’re particularly adept at crafting ammunition and bombs.
Nightwave Springing Reload LOF Training with the crew of the Nightwave has taught you their technique for reloading while leaping to board another ship.
Phalanx Breaker GG way of the vanguard You know that to take out an enemy formation, you must punch a hole through its center.
Pistolero’s Challenge GG auditory, flourish, linguistic, mental way of the pistolero With a stern call, carefully chosen barb, or some other challenging declaration, you demand your foe’s attention in a duel.
Scatter Blast GG You pack your weapon with additional shot and powder, creating a risky but devastating wave of destruction.
Sniper’s Aim GG concentrate way of the sniper You take an extra moment to carefully sync your aim and breathing, then fire a shot with great accuracy.
Triggerbrand Salvo LOIL flourish way of the triggerbrand You slice, stab, or batter your opponent with the melee portion of your combination weapon before pulling the trigger at point-blank range.
Level 8 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Bullet Split GG flourish You carefully align your weapon with the edge of your blade, splitting the projectile in two as you fire to attack two different targets.
Greenwatch Veteran LOIL Your time spent tracking your target allows you to quickly identify its weaknesses and relay them to your allies.
Grit and Tenacity GG fortune You call upon deep reserves of toughness and mental fortitude to power through an otherwise debilitating effect.
Leap and FireGG Hit the Dirt! You’re quick enough to line up a shot even while diving to the ground.
Smoke Curtain GG You load an extra dose of powder into your shot, causing it to belch a cloud of smoke.
Stab and Blast GG flourish You slice or smash your opponent with the melee portion of your weapon before pulling the trigger at point-blank range.
Unseen PassageLOIL You have mastered a magical technique for moving through dangerous woodlands unseen.
Level 10 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Called Shot GG flourish You target a specific area of your foe’s anatomy to debilitating effect.
Deflecting Shot GG You’re always ready to take a quick shot to deflect a weapon or distract a foe enough to render them off target.
Gift of the HoardDA aftermath, magical, transmutation You have succeeded at an important task given by a dragon, such as procuring a special treasure for their hoard. In pleasing the cravings of a mighty dragon, they have deigned to impart some of their magical essence into your body.
Glass SkinOATSG abjuration, aftermath You were present at the death of the medusa Alethsia, whose vitrumantic powers were passed on to you in the wake of her destruction. Even if vitrumancy is a mystery to you, your blood and flesh know the secrets of the art of arcane glass.
GreenwatcherLOIL Defy Fey Your experience fighting against and alongside fey creatures is nearly unrivaled.
Penetrating Fire GG You blast a bullet through one foe and into another.
Precious MunitionsGG Munitions Machinist You mix flecks of precious materials you’ve gathered on your journeys into your custom bullets to bring out those properties in your temporary ammunition.
Rebounding Assault GG You hurl your melee weapon at an opponent, then fire a bullet into the weapon’s hilt, making it deal additional damage and bounce back to your grasp.
Redirecting Shot GG fortune Seeing your ally’s attack about to go astray, you fire your weapon to right its course.
Siphon Life DA aftermath, flourish, magical, necromancy, negative You’ve been reduced to 0 Hit Points by an enemy with the negative trait. Experiences with necromantic energy have left a permanent mark on you, casting you in a deathlike pallor, chilling your body temperature to be ice-cold, turning your very blood black, and giving you the power to rip out an enemy’s life force.
Trick Shot GG You shoot not at your foe but at an object nearby.
Twin Shot Knockdown GG You fire at an enemy while targeting a part of its anatomy that will disrupt its balance.
Level 12 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Blood In the Air GG concentrate Once you’ve locked on to a target, little can obscure your aim.
Deadeye GG concentrate You relax your eyes, taking in the smallest movements of objects, stirring of grass and leaves, and other signs of the presence of hidden things, granting you the ability to locate invisible creatures.
Flesh Wound GG You fire to ensure that even if your shot doesn’t land cleanly, it still lands close enough to deal some damage.
Petrified SkinDA aftermath, transmutation You have been petrified by an enemy. It might have been a medusa, dracolisk, or even a fossil golem; regardless of the source, you were the target of some petrifying effect, and an element of that stony gaze has remained with you, both protecting and slowly consuming you.
Ricochet Shot GG concentrate You bounce your shot off a nearby surface to strike your opponent from an unexpected angle.
Shattering Shot GG You fling a bomb into the air and then shoot it with your gun before it falls, raining destruction down over a wide area.
Shooter’s CamouflageGG master in Stealth You specialize in blending into a particular type of environment, able to disappear after taking your shot.
Unshakable GritGG Grit and Tenacity You’ve become hardened by conflict after everything you’ve faced, and you possess a certain intractable stubbornness.
Level 14 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Blast Tackle GG way of the vanguard You throw yourself at an enemy, bracing your weapon against it and pulling it close before releasing a destructive shot.
Come At Me!GG Pistolero’s Challenge You’re a legendary duelist, welcoming all challengers, enabling you to challenge many foes even while other challenges are active.
Dance of Thunder GG concentrate Your steps echo with the thunderous retort of exploding black powder as you dance a dance of death.
Disruptive BlurGG way of the drifter You use cacophonous blasts from your gun or distracting shots from your crossbow to cause momentary diversions, letting you move about the battlefield with impunity.
Dormant EruptionDA aftermath, fire You’ve been brought to 0 Hit Points by an enemy that has the fire trait or an enemy’s ability that has the fire trait. A sweltering heat and sparks of flame that take the form of tiny copies of you surround your body.
Headshot GG concentrate way of the sniper You attempt to finish your target with a final, well-placed shot.
ShowstopperGG Pistol Twirl, master in Deception Your twirling weapons create a grand distraction that’s difficult to look away from.
Sink and SwimDA aftermath, water You’ve been brought to 0 Hit Points by an enemy that has the water trait or an enemy’s ability that has the water trait. Your body looks like it’s made of flowing water, clear and pristine, providing a natural grace to all your movements.
Triggerbrand Blitz LOIL way of the triggerbrand You dance through your foes, stabbing and shooting.
Two-Weapon Fusillade GG flourish You attack with both your weapons in a furious barrage.
Level 16 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Fatal BulletGG You’re especially talented at striking your enemies in their most vulnerable areas.
Fey LifeDA aftermath, healing, necromancy, primal You helped to save a fey from a terrible fate, and you’re not a fey. There are some fates worse than death–and you worked to save a fey from one such fate.
Hair TriggerGG initial deed that allows you to Interact to draw a weapon No one can react faster than you can pull your trigger.
Instant Return GG With a single fluid gesture, you catch a projectile out of the air, load it in your weapon, and shoot it back at the attacker.
Ricochet MasterGG Ricochet Shot You have an eye for angles and can find shots that others believe are impossible.
Walk on the WindDA aftermath, air, magical, transmutation You’ve been brought to 0 Hit Points by an enemy that has the air trait or an enemy’s ability that has the air trait. A flighty breeze follows you wherever you go, granting a dramatic flair to everything you do.
Level 18 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Final Shot GG You jam a triple charge of black powder into your weapon to unleash a devastating but risky and inaccurate attack.
Piercing CriticalGG Your attacks with your preferred weapons deal especially devastating wounds.
Reach For the StarsGG Black Powder Boost The sky’s the limit, as long as you’ve got enough black powder.
Unerring ShotGG Your senses are finely tuned to the slightest variations in the air, so much that you can place your shot exactly where you intend to aim it from any range possible with your weapon.
Level 20 Class Feats Traits Prerequisites Benefits
Perfect ReadinessGG You prepare to fire with an instinctive speed and muscle memory that go beyond your conscious thoughts.
Ricochet LegendGG Ricochet Master The more obstacles between you and your target, the deadlier your shots become, as you ricochet off multiple surfaces to hit them.
Slinger’s ReflexesGG Your ability to react to unexpected circumstances is preternaturally sharp.