Pathfinder 2 easy Library




Attack Price Damage Bulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Fist 1d4 B 1 Brawling Agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed
Common Melee Weapons Price DamageBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Club 0 1d6 B1 1 Club Thrown 10 ft.
Corset knifeTV 3 sp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, concealable, finesse, thrown 10 ft.
Dagger 2 sp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft., versatile S
Forked bipodGG 3 sp 1d4 PL 1 Spear Agile, deadly d6, finesse
Frying panTV 1 sp 1d4 BL 1 Club Fatal d8, halfling
Gauntlet 2 sp 1d4 BL 1 Brawling Agile, free-hand
Knuckle dusterGG 3 sp 1d4 BL 1 Brawling Agile, free-hand
Light mace 4 sp 1d4 BL 1 Club Agile, finesse, shove
Longspear 5 sp 1d8 P2 2 Spear Reach
Mace 1 gp 1d6 B1 1 Club Shove
Morningstar 1 gp 1d6 B1 1 Club Versatile P
Sickle 2 sp 1d4 SL 1 Knife Agile, finesse, trip
Spear 1 sp 1d6 P1 1 Spear Thrown 20 ft.
Spiked gauntlet 3 sp 1d4 PL 1 Brawling Agile, free-hand
Staff 0 1d4 B1 1 Club Two-hand d8
Throwing knifeLOTGB 3 sp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, finesse, thrown 20 ft.
Tri-bladed katarLOTGB 8 sp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Disarm, fatal d8
Uncommon Melee Weapons Price DamageBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Battle luteAV-02 15 gp 1d4 B1 1 Club Shove, two-hand d8
Clan dagger 2 gp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, dwarf, parry, versatile B
Juggling clubEC-01 1 sp 1d4 BL 1 Club Agile, nonlethal, thrown 20 feet
Katar 3 sp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, deadly d6
NightstickAE-01 1 gp 1d4 BL 1 Club Agile, finesse, nonlethal, parry
PoiEC-01 2 sp 1d4 BL 1 Flail Agile, backswing, finesse, nonlethal
ShearsB2 5 sp 1d4 SL 1 Knife Deadly d8, finesse, versatile P
Stiletto penLOPSG 8 gp 1d4 PL 1 Dart Agile, concealable, finesse, thrown 10 ft.
Throwing knifeEC-01 3 sp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, finesse, thrown 20 feet, twin
ThundermaceLOTGB 2 sp 1d8 B2 2 Club Backswing
Common Ranged Weapons Price DamageRange ReloadBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
AtlatlTV 2 sp 1d6 P60 ft. 11 1 Dart Propulsive
    10 darts
1 sp
5 cp
1 P20 ft. 1L
1 Dart Agile, nonlethal
    10 bolts
3 gp
1 sp
1d8 P120 ft. 11
2 Bow -
Dart 1 cp 1d4 P20 ft. L 1 Dart Agile, thrown
Hand crossbow
    10 bolts
3 gp
1 sp
1d6 P60 ft. 1L
1 Bow -
Heavy crossbow
    10 bolts
4 gp
1 sp
1d10 P120 ft. 22
2 Bow -
Javelin 1 sp 1d6 P30 ft. L 1 Dart Thrown
Shield pistolLOF
    10 rounds
6 gp
1 sp
1d4 P20 ft. 11
1 Firearm Attached to shield, concussive, fatal d8
    10 bullets
1 cp
1d6 B50 ft. 1L
1 Sling Propulsive
Uncommon Ranged Weapons Price DamageRange ReloadBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Air repeaterGG
    6 pellets magazines
5 gp
6 sp
1d4 P30 ft. 0L
1 Firearm Agile, repeating
Coat pistolGG 6 gp 1d4 P30 ft. 1L 1 Firearm Concealable, concussive, fatal d8
Fire lanceGG
    10 rounds
5 gp
1 sp
1d6 P10 ft. 22
2 Firearm Fatal d10
Flintlock musketGG
    10 rounds
7 gp
1 sp
1d6 P70 ft. 11
2 Firearm Concussive, fatal d10
Flintlock pistolGG
    10 rounds
6 gp
1 sp
1d4 P40 ft. 11
1 Firearm Concussive, fatal d8
Hand cannonGG
    10 rounds
5 gp
1 sp
1d6 modular30 ft. 11
1 Firearm Modular B, P, or S
Long air repeaterGG
    8 pellets magazines
9 gp
8 sp
1d4 P60 ft. 01
1 Firearm Repeating
Common Combined Weapons Price DamageRange ReloadBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Bow staffTV
    Melee usage
    10 arrows
8 gp

1 sp
1d6 P
1d6 B
80 ft. 01

1+ Bow
Combination, deadly d8
Finesse, parry, sweep
Crescent crossTV
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
4 gp

1 sp
1d6 P
1d4 S
30 ft. 1L

1 Bow
Capacity 3, combination, parry
Critical fusion, parry
    Melee usage
    10 bolts
8 gp

1 sp
1d8 P
1d6 P
60 ft. 22

2 Bow
Capacity 2, combination
Critical fusion, reach
    Melee usage
    10 arrows
8 gp

1 sp
1d6 P
1d6 B
70 ft. 12

1+ Bow
Combination, propulsive
Backswing, disarm, parry
Uncommon Combined Weapons Price DamageRange ReloadBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Axe musketGG
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
10 gp

1 sp
1d6 P
1d8 S
40 ft. 12

2 Firearm
Combination, concussive, fatal d10
Critical fusion, sweep
Black powder knuckle dustersGG
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
8 gp

1 sp
1d4 P
1d4 B
30 ft. 1L

1 Firearm
Combination, concussive, fatal d8
Agile, critical fusion
Cane pistolGG
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
8 gp

1 sp
1d4 P
1d6 B
30 ft. 11

1 Firearm
Combination, concussive, fatal d8
Critical fusion, thrown 10 ft.
Dagger pistolGG
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
8 gp

1 sp
1d4 P
1d4 P
30 ft. 1L

1 Firearm
Combination, concussive, fatal d8
Agile, critical fusion, finesse, thrown 10 ft., versatile P
Gnome amalgam musketGG
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
10 gp

1 sp
1d6 P
1d8 B
40 ft. 22

2 Firearm
Combination, concussive, fatal d10, gnome
Critical fusion, gnome, trip, versatile P
Gun swordGG
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
13 gp

1 sp
1d8 P
1d8 S
50 ft. 12

2 Firearm
Combination, concussive, kickback
Critical fusion, versatile P
Hammer gunGG
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
13 gp

1 sp
1d6 P
1d8 B
60 ft. 12

2 Firearm
Combination, concussive, fatal d10
Critical fusion, shove
Mace multipistolGG
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
13 gp

1 sp
1d4 P
1d6 B
20 ft. 11

1 Firearm
Capacity 3, combination, concussive, fatal d8
Critical fusion, shove
Piercing windGG
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
15 gp

1 sp
1d6 P
1d4 S
40 ft. 11

1 Firearm
Combination, concussive, fatal aim d10
Critical fusion, finesse, forceful, sweep
Rapier pistolGG
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
10 gp

1 sp
1d4 P
1d4 P
30 ft. 11

1 Firearm
Combination, concussive, fatal d8
Critical fusion, deadly d8, disarm, finesse
Three peaked treeGG
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
12 gp

1 sp
1d4 P
1d8 P
60 ft. 12

2 Firearm
Combination, concussive, elf, fatal d8, parry
Critical fusion, elf, tethered, thrown 20 ft.
    Melee usage
    10 rounds
10 gp

1 sp
1d4 P
1d6 P
30 ft. 11

1 Firearm
Combination, concussive, fatal d8
Critical fusion, finesse, versatile S
Common Melee Weapons Price DamageBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
AdzeLOAG 1 gp 1d10 S2 2 Axe Forceful, grippli, sweep
Bastard sword 4 gp 1d8 S1 1 Sword Two-hand d12
Battle axe 1 gp 1d8 S1 1 Axe Sweep
Battle saddleTV 6 gp 1d8 S2 2 Axe Parry, sweep, vehicular
BayonetGG 2 sp 1d4 PL 1 or 2* Knife Agile, attached to crossbow or firearm, finesse
Bec de corbinTV 4 gp 1d8 P2 2 Polearm Razing, reach, shove, versatile b
Bo staff 2 sp 1d8 B2 2 Club Parry, reach, trip
Dancer’s spearTV 3 gp 1d6 P1 2 Spear Backswing, finesse, reach, sweep, versatile b
Dueling spearLOTGB 2 gp 1d8 P2 2 Spear Disarm, finesse, versatile s
EarthbreakerTV 4 gp 1d6 B2 1 Hammer Razing, shove, two-hand d10, versatile p
Elven branched spearLOTGB 3 gp 1d6 P1 2 Spear Deadly d8, elf, finesse, reach
Falchion 3 gp 1d10 S2 2 Sword Forceful, sweep
FauchardLOCG 14 sp 1d8 S2 2 Polearm Deadly d8, reach 10 feet, reach, sweep, trip
Flail 8 sp 1d6 B1 1 Flail Disarm, sweep, trip
FlyssaTV 1 gp 1d6 SL 1 Knife Agile, finesse, versatile p
GaffB2 1 gp 1d6 B1 1 Club Trip, versatile P
Glaive 1 gp 1d8 S2 2 Polearm Deadly d8, forceful, reach
Greataxe 2 gp 1d12 S2 2 Axe Sweep
Greatclub 1 gp 1d10 B2 2 Club Backswing, shove
Greatpick 1 gp 1d10 P2 2 Pick Fatal d12
Greatsword 2 gp 1d12 S2 2 Sword Versatile P
Griffon caneLOTGB 1 gp 1d6 BL 1 Club Backswing, two-hand d10
Guisarme 2 gp 1d10 S2 2 Polearm Reach, trip
Halberd 2 gp 1d10 P2 2 Polearm Reach, versatile S
Hand adzeLOAG 5 sp 1d4 SL 1 Axe Agile, forceful, grippli, sweep, thrown 10 ft.
Hatchet 4 sp 1d6 SL 1 Axe Agile, sweep, thrown 10 ft.
Lance 1 gp 1d8 P2 2 Spear Deadly d8, jousting d6, reach
Light hammer 3 sp 1d6 BL 1 Hammer Agile, thrown 20 ft.
Light pick 4 sp 1d4 PL 1 Pick Agile, fatal d8
Long hammerTV 5 gp 1d8 B2 2 Hammer Brace, dwarf, reach, trip, versatile p
Longsword 1 gp 1d8 S1 1 Sword Versatile P
MacheteLOGM 7 sp 1d6 SL 1 Sword Deadly d8, sweep
Main-gauche 5 sp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, disarm, finesse, parry, versatile S
Maul 3 gp 1d12 B2 2 Hammer Shove
Meteor hammerLOGM 3 gp 1d8 B2 2 Flail Backswing, disarm, reach, trip
Pick 7 sp 1d6 P1 1 Pick Fatal d10
Piranha kissLOTGB 4 sp 1d6 SL 1 Knife Agile, disarm, finesse
Ranseur 2 gp 1d10 P2 2 Polearm Disarm, reach
Rapier 2 gp 1d6 P1 1 Sword Deadly d8, disarm, finesse
Reinforced stockGG 2 sp 1d4 BL 1 or 2* Club Attached to crossbow or firearm, finesse, two-hand d6
RunguLOAG 4 sp 1d6 BL 1 Club Grippli, shove, thrown 30 ft.
Sap 1 sp 1d6 BL 1 Club Agile, nonlethal
Scimitar 1 gp 1d6 S1 1 Sword Forceful, sweep
ScizoreTV 9 sp 1d6 SL 1 Knife Disarm, parry
ScourgeLOCG 1 sp 1d4 S1 1 Flail Agile, disarm, finesse, nonlethal, sweep
Scythe 2 gp 1d10 S2 2 Polearm Deadly d10, trip
Shield bash 1d4 B 1 Shield -
Shield boss 5 sp 1d6 B 1 Shield Attached
Shield spikes 5 sp 1d6 P 1 Shield Attached
Shortsword 9 sp 1d6 PL 1 Sword Agile, finesse, versatile S
Starknife 2 gp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, deadly d6, finesse, thrown 20 ft., versatile S
Sword caneAPG 5 gp 1d6 P1 1 Sword Agile, concealable, finesse
TonfaLOTGB 1 sp 1d4L 1 Brawling Agile, finesse, parry, twin
Trident 1 gp 1d8 P1 1 Spear Thrown 20 ft.
War flail 2 gp 1d10 B2 2 Flail Disarm, sweep, trip
War razorLOGM 3 sp 1d4 SL 1 Knife Agile, backstabber, deadly d8, finesse
Warhammer 1 gp 1d8 B1 1 Hammer Shove
Whip 1 sp 1d4 S1 1 Flail Disarm, finesse, nonlethal, reach, trip
Uncommon Melee Weapons Price DamageBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Asp coilLOTGB 10 gp 1d6 S1 1 Sword Reach, versatile p
Bladed gauntletLOKL 5 gp 1d4 modularL 1 Brawling Agile, finesse, free-hand, modular B, P, or S
Bladed scarfLOGM 3 gp 1d6 S1 2 Flail Disarm, finesse, reach, sweep, trip
Boarding axeLOAAWS 1 gp 1d6 SL 1 Axe Agile, azarketi, climbing, versatile P
Boarding axeLOACLO 1 gp 1d6 SL 1 Axe Agile, azarketi, climbing, versatile p
Boarding pikeLOPSG 8 sp 1d10 P2 2 Polearm Reach, shove
Breaching pikeTV 8 gp 1d6 P1 1 Spear Razing, reach
BuugengLOAG 4 gp 1d4 S1 1 Sword Agile, conrasu, sweep, twin
Claw bladeAPG 2 gp 1d4 SL 1 Knife Agile, catfolk, deadly d8, disarm, finesse, versatile P
Combat grapnelLOPSG 9 sp 1d6 P1 2 Flail Finesse, grapple, tethered, thrown 20 ft.
Combat lureTV 2 gp 1d6 B1 2 Flail Finesse, tethered, training
DandpattaLOIL 8 sp 1d6 SL 1 Sword Agile, twin
Dogslicer 1 sp 1d6 SL 1 Sword Agile, backstabber, finesse, goblin
Elven curve blade 4 gp 1d8 S2 2 Sword Elf, finesse, forceful
Exquisite sword caneAE-01 90 gp 1d6 P1 1 Sword Agile, concealable, finesse, parry, twin
Exquisite sword cane sheathAE-01 1d4 BL 1 Club Agile, finesse, parry, twin
FangwireLOAG 4 gp 1d4 SL 1 Brawling Agile, backstabber, deadly 1d8, finesse, grapple, kobold
Fighting fanLOGM 11 sp 1d4 SL 1 Knife Agile, backstabber, deadly d6, finesse
Fighting stickLOTME 5 gp 1d6 B1 1 Club Backswing, halfling, nonlethal, shove
Filcher’s fork 1 gp 1d4 PL 1 Spear Agile, backstabber, deadly d6, finesse, halfling, thrown 20 ft.
Galtzagorri hook spear3PP-BB 2 gp 1d6 P1 1 Spear Disarm, finesse, sprite, thrown 20 ft.
Gill hookLOAAWS 2 gp 1d10 P2 2 Spear Azarketi, grapple, reach
Gill hookLOACLO 2 gp 1d10 P2 2 Spear Azarketi, grapple, reach
Gnome hooked hammer 2 gp 1d6 B1 1 Hammer Gnome, trip, two-hand d10, versatile P
Horsechopper 9 sp 1d8 S2 2 Polearm Goblin, reach, trip, versatile P
Injection spearGG 3 gp 1d8 P1 2 Spear Injection, reach
Jiu huan daoTV 9 sp 1d8 S1 1 Sword Sweep
Kama 1 gp 1d6 SL 1 Knife Agile, trip
Katana 2 gp 1d6 S1 1 Sword Deadly d8, two-hand d10, versatile P
KhakkaraAPG 2 gp 1d6 B1 1 Club Shove, two-hand d10, versatile P
KhopeshLOGM 2 gp 1d8 S1 1 Sword Trip
KrisLOIL 7 sp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, deadly d8, finesse
Kukri 6 sp 1d6 SL 1 Knife Agile, finesse, trip
KusarigamaFRP-01 2 gp 1d8 S1 2 Knife Disarm, reach, trip, versatile B
LeiomanoFRP-01 2 gp 1d6 B1 1 Club Deadly d10, versatile S
Lion scytheST-04 1 gp 1d6 SL 1 Knife Agile, finesse, trip
MambeleLOGM 6 sp 1d6 S1 1 Axe Deadly d8, disarm, thrown 20 feet
Monkey’s fistAE-01 1 sp 1d6 B 1 Flail Finesse, nonlethal
NaginataLOGM 3 gp 1d8 S2 2 Polearm Deadly d8, reach, versatile P
Nine-ring swordLOGM 9 sp 1d8 S1 1 Sword Disarm
Nunchaku 2 sp 1d6 BL 1 Club Backswing, disarm, finesse
Orc knuckle dagger 7 sp 1d6 PL 1 Knife Agile, disarm, orc
PanabasLOIL 1 gp 1d6 S1 1 Sword Forceful, sweep
Pantograph gauntletGG 2 gp 1d4 BL 1 Brawling Deadly d6, reach, shove
PolytoolLOGM 10 gp 1d6 modular1 1 Sword Agile, modular B, P, or S
PolytoolTV 10 gp 1d6 modularL 1 Sword Agile
Rope dartTV 1 gp 1d4 P1 2 Dart Disarm, finesse, sweep, tethered, trip
Sai 6 sp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, disarm, finesse, versatile B
SansetsukonTV 2 gp 1d8 B2 2 Flail Backswing, disarm, parry
Scorpion whipEC-01 5 sp 1d4 SL 1 Flail Disarm, finesse, reach, trip
Shauth bladeAV-03 2 gp 1d4 SL 1 Knife Agile, deadly d8, finesse, versatile P
Spiked chain 3 gp 1d8 S1 2 Flail Disarm, finesse, trip
TalwarLOIL 2 gp 1d6 S1 1 Sword Forceful, versatile p
Tekko-kagiLOGM 2 sp 1d4 SL 1 Brawling Agile, disarm, finesse, parry, trip
Temple sword 2 gp 1d8 S1 1 Sword Trip
Tengu gale bladeAPG 4 gp 1d6 SL 1 Sword Agile, disarm, finesse, tengu
Thorn whipLOIL 6 sp 1d4 P1 1 Brawling Disarm, finesse, reach, trip
Umbrella injectorGG 4 gp 1d4 P1 1 Sword Injection, concealable, finesse, parry
UrumiLOGM 2 gp 1d6 S2 1 Flail Deadly d10, sweep
WakizashiAPG 1 gp 1d4 SL 1 Sword Agile, deadly d8, finesse, versatile P
War lanceLOKL 4 gp 1d8 P2 2 Spear Deadly d8, jousting d6, parry, shove
WhipstaffTV 3 gp 1d6 BL 2 Club Agile, finesse, parry, sweep
Wish bladeLOAG 5 gp 1d6 S1 1 Sword Disarm, geniekin, resonant, two-hand d10
Wish knifeLOAG 2 gp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, disarm, finesse, geniekin, resonant, versatile S
Common Ranged Weapons Price DamageRange ReloadBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Alchemical bomb Varies Varies20 ft. L 1 Bomb -
ChakramST-04 5 sp 1d8 S20 ft. L 1 Knife Thrown thrown
Composite longbow
    10 arrows
20 gp
1 sp
1d8 P100 ft. 02
1+ Bow Deadly d10, propulsive, volley 30 ft.
Composite shortbow
    10 arrows
14 gp
1 sp
1d6 P60 ft. 01
1+ Bow Deadly d10, propulsive
    10 arrows
6 gp
1 sp
1d6 P100 ft. 0L
1+ Bow Deadly d8, propulsive
Gauntlet bowTV
    10 bolts
9 gp
1 sp
1d4 P60 ft. 11
1 Bow Capacity 4, free-hand, parry
HarpoonTV 1 gp 1d8 P30 ft. 1 2 Dart Tethered, thrown tethered, thrown
    10 arrows
6 gp
1 sp
1d8 P100 ft. 02
1+ Bow Deadly d10, volley 30 ft.
Rotary bowTV
    10 bolts
8 gp
1 sp
1d8 P80 ft. 11
1 Bow Capacity 4
Shield bowTV
    10 arrows
5 gp
1 sp
1d6 P50 ft. 01
1+ Bow Deadly d8, parry
Shobhad longrifleST-05 20 gp 1d8 P120 ft. 1L 2 Firearm Backstabber, concussive, fatal d12, kickback, volley
    10 arrows
3 gp
1 sp
1d6 P60 ft. 01
1+ Bow Deadly d10
    10 bolts
7 gp
1 sp
1d8 P200 ft. 11
1 Bow Fatal aim d12
Uncommon Ranged Weapons Price DamageRange ReloadBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
    10 rounds
10 gp
1 sp
1d8 P150 ft. 12
2 Firearm Concussive, fatal d12, kickback
Backpack ballistaGG
    10 bolts
18 gp
1 sp
1d12 P180ft. 1 min.2
1+ Bow -
    10 rounds
8 gp
1 sp
1d8 P40 ft. 12
2 Firearm Concussive, scatter 10 ft.
BolaLOGM 5 sp 1d6 B20 ft. L 1 Sling Nonlethal, ranged trip, thrown
BoomerangTV 2 sp 1d6 B60 ft. L 1 Club Recovery, thrown recovery, thrown
Clan pistolGG 5 gp 1d6 P80 ft. 1L 1 Firearm Concussive, dwarf, fatal d10
Dart umbrellaGG 1 gp 1 P30ft. 11 1 Dart Agile, concealable, nonlethal
Double-barreled musketGG
    10 rounds
11 gp
1 sp
1d6 P60 ft. 11
2 Firearm Concussive, double barrel, fatal d10
Double-barreled pistolGG
    10 rounds
7 gp
1 sp
1d4 P30 ft. 11
1 Firearm Concussive, double barrel, fatal d8
Dragon-mouth pistolGG
    10 rounds
9 gp
1 sp
1d6 P20 ft. 11
1 Firearm Concussive, scatter 5 ft.
Dueling pistolGG
    10 rounds
12 gp
1 sp
1d6 P60 ft. 1L
1 Firearm Concealable, concussive, fatal d10
Halfling sling staff
    10 bullets
5 gp
1 cp
1d10 B80 ft. 11
2 Sling Halfling, propulsive
Harmona gunGG
    5 rounds
10 gp
1 sp
1d10 B150 ft. 12
2 Firearm Kickback
Hongali hornbowST-04 11 gp 1d8 P40 ft. 02 1+ Bow Deadly d6, propulsive
    10 rounds
11 gp
1 sp
1d8 P90 ft. 11
1 Firearm Concussive, fatal aim d12
Mithral treeGG
    10 rounds
9 gp
1 sp
1d6 P150 ft. 11
2 Firearm Concussive, elf, fatal d10, parry
    10 rounds
12 gp
1 sp
1d4 P60 ft. 11
1 Firearm Capacity 3, concussive, fatal d8
Repeating heavy crossbowGG
    5 magazines
20 gp
9 sp
1d10 P180 ft. 12
2 Bow Repeating
Shuriken 1 cp 1d4 P20 ft. 0 1 Dart Agile, thrown
Slide pistolGG
    10 rounds
16 gp
1 sp
1d6 P30 ft. 12
1 Firearm Capacity 5, concussive, fatal d10
    10 spray pellets
1 gp
1 sp
1d6 B20 ft. 1L
1 Sling Halfling, propulsive, scatter 5 ft.
Sun slingST-04
    10 sun shots
3 gp
1 sp
1d8 P100 ft. 1L
1+ Sling Concussive, propulsive
Thunder slingLOAG 5 gp 1d6 P50 ft. 1L 1 Sling Agile, propulsive, tengu
Wrist launcherLOF 3 gp 1d4 P30 ft. 11 1 Dart Agile, concealable, free-hand
Common Combined Weapons Price DamageRange ReloadBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
    Melee usage
8 gp
1d6 B
1d8 B
20 ft. 12
2 Sling
Combination, dwarf, ranged trip, razing
Dwarf, razing, reach
Uncommon Combined Weapons Price DamageRange ReloadBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Explosive dogslicerGG
    Melee usage
    5 rounds
10 gp

1 sp
1d6 S
1d6 S
20 ft. 12

2 Firearm
Backstabber, combination, goblin, scatter 5 ft.
Backstabber, critical fusion, finesse, goblin
Common Melee Weapons Price DamageBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Butchering axeLOTGB 8 gp 1d12 S2 2 Axe Orc, shove, sweep
FalcataTV 3 gp 1d8 S1 1 Sword Fatal
Flying talonCKK 6 gp 1d4 P1 1 Flail Agile, finesse, kobold, ranged trip, tethered, thrown 10 ft., trip
NodachiTV 6 gp 1d8 S2 2 Sword Brace, deadly, reach
Sickle-saberLOTGB 5 gp 1d6 S1 1 Sword Backswing, forceful
Spiral rapierLOTGB 5 gp 1d6 P1 1 Sword Disarm, finesse, parry
SwitchscytheLOTGB 12 gp 1d6 P2 1 Pick Fatal d10, gnome
Rare Melee Weapons Price DamageBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Clockwork macuahuitlLOTGB 550 gp 1d10 S1 2 Club Backswing, forceful, versatile b
Uncommon Melee Weapons Price DamageBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Aldori dueling swordLOWG 2 gp 1d8 S1 1 Sword Finesse, versatile P
AklysB1 5 gp 1d6 B1 1 Club Ranged trip, tethered, thrown 20 ft., trip
Bladed diaboloEC-01 20 sp 1d4 SL 2 Flail Backswing, disarm, finesse, thrown 40 feet, trip
Bladed hoopEC-01 25 sp 1d6 S1 0+ Knife Finesse, sweep, two-hand d8
BroadspearLOIL 2 gp 1d10 P2 2 Spear Reach, sweep, versatile s
Butterfly swordFRP-01 2 gp 1d4 SL 1 Sword Agile, disarm, finesse, parry, twin
Chain swordTV 6 gp 1d6 S1 1 Sword Finesse, reach, sweep
DonchakLOIL 4 gp 1d8 S2 2 Polearm Hampering, reach, tethered, thrown 20 ft.
Dwarven dorn-dergarTV 8 gp 1d10 B2 2 Flail Dwarf, razing, reach
Dwarven waraxe 3 gp 1d8 S2 1 Axe Dwarf, sweep, two-hand d12
Feng huo lunTV 2 gp 1d4 SL 1 Knife Agile, disarm, finesse, parry, twin, versatile s
Fire poiEC-01 50 sp 1d4 B + 1d4 FL 1 Flail Agile, backswing, finesse, twin
GadaLOIL 1 gp 1d8 B1 1 Club Backswing
Gnome flickmace 3 gp 1d6 B1 1 Flail Gnome, reach, sweep
Hook swordFRP-01 3 gp 1d6 S1 1 Sword Disarm, parry, trip, twin
KalisLOIL 3 gp 1d8 S1 1 Sword Deadly d8, versatile p
KarambitFRP-01 2 gp 1d4 PL 1 Knife Agile, fatal, finesse, versatile S
Orc necksplitter 2 gp 1d8 S1 1 Axe Forceful, orc, sweep
Rhoka swordB2 4 gp 1d8 S2 1 Sword Deadly d8, two-hand d10
Rhoka swordAV-03 4 gp 1d8 S2 1 Sword Deadly d8, two-hand d10
Sawtooth saber 5 gp 1d6 SL 1 Sword Agile, finesse, twin
Shauth lashAV-03 8 gp 1d6 S1 2 Flail Deadly d10, finesse, trip
Tamchal chakramAV-02 5 gp 1d6 SL 1 Dart Agile, deadly d6, finesse, thrown 20 feet
Three-section naginataTV 12 gp 1d8 S2 2 Flail Deadly d8, forceful, sweep, versatile
Tricky pickLOAG 10 gp 1d6 modular1 1 Pick Backstabber, fatal d10, kobold, modular B, P, or S
VisapLOIL 2 gp 1d4 SL 1 Knife Injection, agile, finesse, versatile p
Whip clawLOAG 5 gp 1d6 S1 2 Flail Catfolk, finesse, hampering, reach
Wind and fire wheelFRP-01 2 gp 1d6 SL 1 Knife Agile, disarm, finesse, parry, twin, versatile P
ZulfikarLOIL 4 gp 1d6 S1 1 Sword Deadly d8, disarm, sweep, versatile p
Common Ranged Weapons Price DamageRange ReloadBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Phalanx piercerTV
    5 bolts
10 gp
1 sp
1d10 P80 ft. 12
1+ Bow Concussive, propulsive, razing, volley
Uncommon Ranged Weapons Price DamageRange ReloadBulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Backpack catapultGG
    10 stones
20 gp
1 sp
1d12 P; volley 50 ft.240ft. 1 min.3
1+ Sling Volley
Barricade busterTV
    8 8-round magazines
9 gp
2 sp
1d10 B40 ft. 03
2 Firearm Kickback, orc, razing, repeating, volley
ChakriLOIL 2 cp 1d4 S30 feet 0 1 Dart Agile, deadly, thrown agile, deadly d8, thrown, uncommon
DaikyuAPG 8 gp 1d8 P80 ft. 02 1+ Bow Propulsive
Dwarven scattergunGG
    5 rounds
10 gp
1 sp
1d8 P50 ft. 12
2 Firearm Concussive, dwarf, kickback, scatter 10 ft.
    5 rounds
6 gp
1 sp
1d6 S30 ft. 11
2 Firearm Backstabber, fatal d10, goblin, scatter 5 ft.
Repeating crossbowGG
    5 magazines
15 gp
9 sp
1d8 P120 ft. 01
2 Bow Repeating
Repeating hand crossbowAV-03 10 gp 1d6 P60 ft. 0L 1 Bow Repeating
Taw launcherLOAG
    10 wooden taws
10 gp
1 sp
1d10 modular100 ft. 11
2 Bow Conrasu, deadly 1d10, modular B, P, or S