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Arcana measures how much you know about arcane magic and creatures. Even if you’re untrained, you can Recall Knowledge (page 238).

Actions Proficiency Summary
Recall Knowledge Untrained You attempt a skill check to try to remember a bit of knowledge regarding a topic related to that skill.
Borrow an Arcane Spell Trained If you’re an arcane spellcaster who prepares from a spellbook, you can attempt to prepare a spell from someone else’s spellbook.
Decipher Writing Trained You attempt to decipher complicated writing or literature on an obscure topic.
Identify Magic Trained Once you discover that an item, location, or ongoing effect is magical, you can spend 10 minutes to try to identify the particulars of its magic.
Learn a Spell Trained You can gain access to a new spell of your tradition from someone who knows that spell or from magical writing like a spellbook or scroll.
Tap Ley Line SM Trained You attempt to manipulate the magical essence of a ley line that you’re aware of within 30 feet.
Untrained in Arcana Level Benefits
Skill Training 1 You become trained in the skill of your choice.
Orthographic MasteryAPG 4 You understand the principles that underlie all written words, allowing you to read nearly any text.
Thorough ReportsLOWG 4 Your reports are thorough and informative, and putting your thoughts to paper helps you retain the information.
Trained in Arcana Level Benefits
Arcane Sense 1 Your study of magic allows you to instinctively sense its presence.
Assurance 1 Even in the worst circumstances, you can perform basic tasks.
Dubious Knowledge 1 You’re a treasure trove of information, but not all of it comes from reputable sources.
Quick Identification 1 You can Identify Magic swiftly.
Recognize Spell 1 If you are trained in the appropriate skill for the spell’s tradition and it’s a common spell of 2nd level or lower, you automatically identify it (you still roll to attempt to get a critical success, but can’t get a worse result than success).
Trick Magic Item 1 You examine a magic item you normally couldn’t use in an effort to fool it and activate it temporarily.
Expert in Arcana Level Benefits
Assured IdentificationAPG 2 You rarely misidentify an item.
Automatic Knowledge 2 You know basic facts off the top of your head.
Eye of the Arclords LOWG 2 You open an incandescent third eye upon your forehead.
Magical Shorthand 2 Learning spells comes easily to you.
Resourceful RitualistAPG 6 You can cast difficult rituals that might otherwise be just beyond your skill.
Master in Arcana Level Benefits
Uzunjati Storytelling LOCG 6 You tell a quick story or begin telling a longer tale.
Quick Recognition 7 You Recognize Spells swiftly.
Recognize Threat LOCG 8 You quickly assess the threat so you can relay the information to your team.
Unravel MysteriesLOCG 8 You can understand the true meaning of texts quickly, and even when you get lost or hit a dead end, you aren’t discouraged from making further attempts to get to the bottom of things.
Uzunjati Recollection LOCG 10 You tell a story spontaneously from nearly forgotten facts, delving into your memory and entertaining your audience in the process.
Legendary in Arcana Level Benefits
Unified Theory 15 You’ve started to make a meaningful connection about the common underpinnings of the four traditions of magic and magical essences, allowing you to understand them all through an arcane lens.