Pathfinder 2 easy Library




Choose a bloodline that gives you your spellcasting talent.

This choice determines the type of spells you cast and the spell list you choose them from, additional spells you learn, and additional trained skills. You also gain Focus Points and special focus spells based on your bloodline.

The bloodlines are shown at Table 1.

Bloodline name Spell List Description
Aberrant occult Something speaks to you from beyond the stars or below the earth.
Angelic divine One of your forebears hailed from a celestial realm, or your ancestors’ devotion led to their lineage being blessed.
Demonic divine Demons debase all they touch.
Diabolic divine Devils are evil with a silver tongue, and one of your ancestors dallied in darkness or made an infernal pact.
Draconic arcane The blood of dragons flows through your veins.
Elemental primal A genie ancestor or some other elemental influence has imbued your blood with primal fury.
Fey primal Fey whimsy or a tryst in a moonlit grove put the bewitching magic of the First World into your family’s bloodline.
GenieAPG arcane Through lineage, magic, or wishes made real, the blood of a noble genie flows through your veins.
Hag occult A hag long ago cursed your family, or you are a descendant of a hag or changeling, and their accursed corruption infests your blood and soul.
HarrowSF-PG occult You have a deep connection to the harrow, perhaps passed on through generations or unlocked after you had a harrow reading performed for you.
Imperial arcane One of your ancestors was a mortal who mastered magic.
NymphAPG primal One of your ancestors was inspired by a nymph, or perhaps was a nymph themself, and now the beauty of nature lives in you.
PhoenixFRP-03 primal You have been blessed by a phoenix, perhaps via some magical interaction with a similarly blessed individual.
PsychopompAPG divine For good or ill, your ancestors’ deeds drew the attention of psychopomps, or you might somehow count one in your family tree.
ShadowAPG occult Whether due to a velstrac’s manipulations or a planar jaunt gone horribly wrong, your bloodline was infused with a vein of shadow.
Undead divine The touch of undead runs through your blood.
WyrmblessedLOTME divine You lay claim to the might of dragons, but your powers are sacred instead of arcane—born from a worship of draconic might so powerful it infused your blood or, perhaps, from a celestial or draconic power blessing one of your ancestors received.

Reading a Bloodline Entry

A bloodline entry contains the following information.

Spell List You use this magical tradition and spell list.

Bloodline Skills You become trained in the listed skills.

Granted Spells You automatically add the spells listed here to your spell repertoire, as described in Spell Repertoire on page 192. At 1st level, you gain a cantrip and a 1st-level spell. You learn the other spells on the list as soon as you gain the ability to cast sorcerer spells of that level.

Bloodline Spells You automatically gain the initial bloodline spell at 1st level and can gain more by selecting the Advanced Bloodline and Greater Bloodline feats.

Blood Magic Whenever you cast a bloodline spell using Focus Points or a granted spell from your bloodline using a spell slot, you gain a blood magic effect. If the blood magic offers a choice, make it before resolving the spell. The blood magic effect occurs after resolving any checks for the spell’s initial effects and, against a foe, applies only if the spell is a successful attack or the foe fails its saving throw. If the spell has an area, you must designate yourself or one target in the area when you cast the spell to be the target of the blood magic effect. All references to spell level refer to the level of the spell you cast.


Something speaks to you from beyond the stars or below the earth. Ancient and unknowable, this alien influence presses against your mind.

Spell List occult (page 311)

Bloodline Skills Intimidation, Occultism

Granted Spells cantrip: daze; 1st: spider sting; 2nd: touch of idiocy; 3rd: vampiric touch; 4th: confusion; 5th: black tentacles; 6th: feeblemind; 7th: warp mind; 8th: uncontrollable dance; 9th: unfathomable song

Bloodline Spells initial: tentacular limbs; advanced: aberrant whispers; greater: unusual anatomy

Blood Magic Aberrant whispers shield one target’s mind or your own, granting a +2 status bonus to Will saving throws for 1 round.


One of your forebears hailed from a celestial realm, or your ancestors’ devotion led to their lineage being blessed.

Spell List divine (page 309)

Bloodline Skills Diplomacy, Religion

Granted Spells cantrip: light; 1st: heal; 2nd: spiritual weapon; 3rd: searing light; 4th: divine wrath; 5th: flame strike; 6th: blade barrier; 7th: divine decree; 8th: divine aura; 9th: foresight

Bloodline Spells initial: angelic halo; advanced: angelic wings; greater: celestial brand

Blood Magic An angelic aura protects you or one target, granting a +1 status bonus to saving throws for 1 round.


Demons debase all they touch. One of your ancestors fell victim to their corruption, and you are burdened by that sin.

Spell List divine (page 309)

Bloodline Skills Intimidation, Religion

Granted Spells cantrip: acid splash; 1st: fear; 2nd: enlarge; 3rd: slow; 4th: divine wrath; 5th: Abyssal plague; 6th: disintegrate; 7th: divine decree; 8th: divine aura; 9th: implosion

Bloodline Spells initial: glutton’s jaws; advanced: swamp of sloth; greater: Abyssal wrath

Blood Magic The corruption of sin weakens a target’s defenses or makes you more imposing. Either a target takes a –1 status penalty to AC for 1 round, or you gain a +1 status bonus to Intimidation checks for 1 round.


Devils are evil with a silver tongue, and one of your ancestors dallied in darkness or made an infernal pact.

Spell List divine (page 309)

Bloodline Skills Deception, Religion

Granted Spells cantrip: produce flame; 1st: charm; 2nd: flaming sphere; 3rd: enthrall; 4th: suggestion; 5th: crushing despair; 6th: true seeing; 7th: divine decree; 8th: divine aura; 9th: meteor swarm

Bloodline Spells initial: diabolic edict; advanced: embrace the pit; greater: hellfire plume

Blood Magic Hellfire scorches a target or fills your tongue with lies. Either a target takes 1 fire damage per spell level (if the spell already deals initial fire damage, combine this with the spell’s initial damage before determining weaknesses and resistances), or you gain a +1 status bonus to Deception checks for 1 round.


The blood of dragons flows through your veins. These beasts are both fearsome in combat and skilled at magic.

Spell List arcane (page 307)

Bloodline Skills Arcana, Intimidation

Granted Spells cantrip: shield; 1st: true strike; 2nd: resist energy; 3rd: haste; 4th: spell immunity; 5th: chromatic wall; 6th: dragon form; 7th: mask of terror; 8th: prismatic wall; 9th: overwhelming presence

Bloodline Spells initial: dragon claws; advanced: dragon breath; greater: dragon wings

Blood Magic Draconic scales grow briefly on you or one target, granting a +1 status bonus to AC for 1 round.

Dragon Type

At 1st level, choose the type of dragon that influenced your bloodline. You can’t change your dragon type later. This affects how some of your bloodline spells function. The good metallic dragons and their damage types are brass (fire), bronze (electricity), copper (acid), gold (fire), and silver (cold). The evil chromatic dragons and their damage types are black (acid), blue (electricity), green (poison), red (fire), and white (cold).

DamageDragon Type
acidblack, brine, copper
coldsilver, white
electricityblue, bronze, cloud, sky
firebrass, gold, magma, red, underworld
piercingcrystal, forest

Related Bloodline

Because the Wyrmblessed and draconic bloodlines have similar origins, they count the same as each other for the purposes of prerequisites and access requirements.


A genie ancestor or some other elemental influence has imbued your blood with primal fury. This affects how your blood magic works, along with your bloodline spells and granted spells marked with an asterisk (*).

Spell List primal (page 314)

Bloodline Skills Intimidation, Nature

Granted Spells cantrip: produce flame*; 1st: burning hands*; 2nd: resist energy; 3rd: fireball*; 4th: freedom of movement; 5th: elemental form; 6th: repulsion; 7th: energy aegis; 8th: prismatic wall; 9th: storm of vengeance

Bloodline Spells initial: elemental toss*; advanced: elemental motion; greater: elemental blast*

Blood Magic Elemental energy surrounds you or a target. Either you gain a +1 status bonus to Intimidation checks for 1 round, or a target takes 1 damage per spell level. The damage is bludgeoning or fire, according to your elemental type (see below). If the spell already deals that type of damage, combine it with the spell’s initial damage before determining weaknesses and resistances.

Elemental Type

Choose the type of elemental that influenced your bloodline: air, earth, fire, or water. If your element is air, you buffet your foes with powerful winds; if it’s earth, you toss huge chunks of rock; if it’s fire, you incinerate your foes with flame; and if it’s water, you inundate your foes with torrents of water. For fire, all marked spells deal fire damage. For other elements, they deal bludgeoning damage. Replace any existing elemental traits with the trait of the element you chose.


Fey whimsy or a tryst in a moonlit grove put the bewitching magic of the First World into your family’s bloodline.

Spell List primal (page 314)

Bloodline Skills Deception, Nature

Granted Spells cantrip: ghost sound; 1st: charm; 2nd: hideous laughter; 3rd: enthrall; 4th: suggestion; 5th: cloak of colors; 6th: mislead; 7th: visions of danger; 8th: uncontrollable dance; 9th: resplendent mansion

Bloodline Spells initial: faerie dust; advanced: fey disappearance; greater: fey glamour

Blood Magic Colorful fey glamours dance around you or one target, causing them to be concealed for 1 round. Such obvious concealment can’t be used to Hide.


Through lineage, magic, or wishes made real, the blood of a noble genie flows through your veins.

Spell List arcane

Bloodline Skills Arcana, Deception

Granted Spells cantrip: detect magic; 1st: illusory disguise; 2nd: variable (see Genie Type below); 3rd: enthrall; 4th: creation; 5th: variable (see Genie Type below); 6th: true seeing; 7th: energy aegis; 8th: variable (see Genie Type below); 9th: resplendent mansion

Bloodline Spells initial: genie’s veil; advanced: heart’s desire; greater: wish-twisted form

Blood Magic Your spellcasting warps reality and distracts your foes. Either you gain a +1 status bonus to Deception checks for 1 round, or a target takes a –1 status penalty to Perception for 1 round.

Genie Type

At 1st level, choose the type of genie that influenced your bloodline: janni, djinni, efreeti, marid, or shaitan.

You can’t change your genie type later. This determines what granted spells you receive at 2nd, 5th, and 8th level.


A hag long ago cursed your family, or you are a descendant of a hag or changeling, and their accursed corruption infests your blood and soul.

Spell List occult (page 311)

Bloodline Skills Deception, Occultism

Granted Spells cantrip: daze; 1st: illusory disguise; 2nd: touch of idiocy; 3rd: blindness; 4th: outcast’s curse; 5th: mariner’s curse; 6th: baleful polymorph; 7th: warp mind; 8th: spiritual epidemic; 9th: nature’s enmity

Bloodline Spells initial: jealous hex; advanced: horrific visage; greater: you’re mine

Blood Magic Spiteful curses punish your foes. You deal 2 mental damage per spell level (basic Will save) to the first creature that deals damage to you before the end of your next turn.


You have a deep connection to the harrow, perhaps passed on through generations or unlocked after you had a harrow reading performed for you. This connection gives you an uncanny influence over your own fate.

Spell List occult

Bloodline Skills Occultism, Performance

Granted Spells cantrip: detect magic; 1st: ill omen, 2nd: augury; 3rd: wanderer’s guide; 4th: suggestion; 5th: shadow siphon; 6th: true seeing; 7th: retrocognition; 8th: unrelenting observation; 9th: weird

Bloodline Spells initial: unraveling blast; advanced: invoke the harrow; greater: rewrite possibility

Blood Magic You become enveloped in possibility, represented as multiple versions of yourself from your possible futures overlaid on each other. You gain concealment for 1 round, but can’t use the concealment to Hide.


One of your ancestors was a mortal who mastered magic.

Such magical blood can remain latent for generations, but in you it manifested in full.

Spell List arcane (page 307)

Bloodline Skills Arcana, Society

Granted Spells cantrip: detect magic; 1st: magic missile; 2nd: dispel magic; 3rd: haste; 4th: dimension door; 5th: prying eye; 6th: disintegrate; 7th: prismatic spray; 8th: maze; 9th: prismatic sphere

Bloodline Spells initial: ancestral memories; advanced: extend spell; greater: arcane countermeasure

Blood Magic A surge of ancestral memories grants you or one target a +1 status bonus to skill checks for 1 round.


One of your ancestors was inspired by a nymph, or perhaps was a nymph themself, and now the beauty of nature lives in you.

Spell List primal

Bloodline Skills Diplomacy, Nature

Granted Spells cantrip: tanglefoot; 1st: charm; 2nd: calm emotions; 3rd: animal vision; 4th: vital beacon; 5th: crushing despair; 6th: repulsion; 7th: unfettered pack; 8th: moment of renewal; 9th: overwhelming presence

Bloodline Spells initial: nymph’s token; advanced: blinding beauty; greater: establish ward

Blood Magic Nymph grace accentuates your movements and distracts your foes, either granting you a +1 status bonus to Diplomacy checks for 1 round or imposing a –1 status penalty on one target’s Will saves for 1 round.


You have been blessed by a phoenix, perhaps via some magical interaction with a similarly blessed individual.

Grant this new sorcerer bloodline to players who finish the Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Adventure Path. Players can then choose this bloodline for any new sorcerer characters they create for future campaigns.

Spell List primal

Bloodline Skills Diplomacy, Nature

Granted Spells cantrip: detect magic; 1st: burning hands; 2nd: see invisibility; 3rd: fireball; 4th: remove curse; 5th: breath of life; 6th: disintegrate; 7th: contingency; 8th: moment of renewal; 9th: meteor swarm

Bloodline Spells initial: rejuvenating flames; advanced: shroud of flame; greater: cleansing flames

Blood Magic The primal fire of life and death flows through you or one target. Choose to have either you or a target of the spell gain temporary Hit Points equal to the spell’s level for 1 round, or to have a target of the spell take fire damage equal to the spell’s level (if the spell already deals initial fire damage, combine this with the spell’s initial damage before determining weaknesses and resistances).


For good or ill, your ancestors’ deeds drew the attention of psychopomps, or you might somehow count one in your family tree. The presence of these shepherds of souls and enemies of undeath has left an indelible mark on you.

Spell List divine

Bloodline Skills Intimidation, Religion

Granted Spells cantrip: disrupt undead; 1st: heal; 2nd: calm emotions; 3rd: searing light; 4th: dimensional anchor; 5th: death ward; 6th: spirit blast; 7th: finger of death; 8th: spirit song; 9th: massacre

Bloodline Spells initial: sepulchral mask; advanced: spirit veil; greater: shepherd of souls

Blood Magic The border between life and death becomes blurred to you. Either you gain a +2 status bonus to Fortitude saving throws for 1 round, or a target takes 1 damage per spell level. The damage is negative if the target is living or positive if the target is undead. If the spell already deals that type of damage, combine it with the spell’s initial damage before determining weaknesses and resistances.


Whether due to a velstrac’s manipulations or a planar jaunt gone horribly wrong, your bloodline was infused with a vein of shadow.

Spell List occult

Bloodline Skills Occultism, Stealth

Granted Spells cantrip: chill touch; 1st: grim tendrils; 2nd: darkness; 3rd: chilling darkness; 4th: phantasmal killer; 5th: shadow siphon; 6th: collective transposition; 7th: duplicate foe; 8th: disappearance; 9th: weird

Bloodline Spells initial: dim the light; advanced: steal shadow; greater: consuming darkness

Blood Magic Shadows grow deeper around you or one target, either granting a +1 status bonus to Stealth or imposing a –1 status penalty to Perception for 1 round.


The touch of undead runs through your blood. Your family tree might contain powerful undead, like a vampire, or perhaps you died and returned a bit different.

Spell List divine (page 309)

Bloodline Skills Intimidation, Religion

Granted Spells cantrip: chill touch; 1st: harm; 2nd: false life; 3rd: bind undead; 4th: talking corpse; 5th: cloudkill; 6th: vampiric exsanguination; 7th: finger of death; 8th: horrid wilting; 9th: wail of the banshee

Bloodline Spells initial: undeath’s blessing; advanced: drain life; greater: grasping grave

Blood Magic Necromantic energy flows through you or one target. Either you gain temporary Hit Points equal to the spell’s level for 1 round, or a target takes 1 negative damage per spell level (if the spell already deals initial negative damage, combine this with the spell’s initial damage before determining weaknesses and resistances).


You lay claim to the might of dragons, but your powers are sacred instead of arcane—born from a worship of draconic might so powerful it infused your blood or, perhaps, from a celestial or draconic power blessing one of your ancestors received.

Spell List divine

Bloodline Skills Intimidation, Religion

Granted Spells cantrip: read aura; 1st: mage armor; 2nd: resist energy; 3rd: haste; 4th: reflective scales (Lost Omens Gods and Magic 109); 5th: cloak of colors; 6th: repulsion; 7th: mask of terror; 8th: divine inspiration, 9th: overwhelming presence

Bloodline Spells initial: dragon claws; advanced: dragon breath; greater: dragon wings

Blood Magic Draconic might carries in your voice. Either you gain a +1 status bonus to Intimidation checks for 1 round, or a target takes a –1 status penalty to Will saves for 1 round.

Dragon type

At 1st level, choose the type of dragon that influenced your bloodline. You can’t change your dragon type later. This choice affects how some of your bloodline spells function. The good metallic dragons and their damage types are brass (fire), bronze (electricity), copper (acid), gold (fire), and silver (cold). The evil chromatic dragons and their damage types are black (acid), blue (electricity), green (poison), red (fire), and white (cold). The primal dragons of planar origin and their damage types are brine (acid), cloud (electricity), crystal (piercing), magma (fire), and umbral (negative). The imperial dragons and their damage types are forest (piercing), sea (bludgeoning), sky (electricity), sovereign (mental), and underworld (fire). For the dragon breath focus spell, the area is a 60-foot line for a brine dragon; a 30-foot cone for a cloud, crystal, forest, magma, sovereign, or umbral dragon; and a 10-foot burst within 30 feet for a sea, sky, or underworld dragon.

Related Bloodline

Because the wyrmblessed and draconic bloodlines have similar origins, they count the same as each other for the purposes of prerequisites and access requirements.